Part 26 - Virgil

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I woke up with a stiff pain throughout my entire body. I opened my eyes, seeing I was in my room. Not the dark mind palace. Not with Deceit standing over me. Just, in my room. It was a nice change of pace.

I sat up against my headboard. This felt all too familiar. I looked back and forth between my bathroom door and closet. I heard a doorknob move and I froze. My bedroom door opened and Roman walked in. He looked surprised to see my awake but not unhappy. "You're awake!" He said calmly. 

I smirked as he came around and sat next to me on my bed. "Oh!" He said suddenly. He pulled to pills out of his pocket and handed them to me. I raised my eyebrow and watched as he chuckled. "Logan thought you might have a headache so he told me to give you these."

"I see," I said, taking them from his hand and placing them in my mouth. I took a glass of water that was already on my nightstand, swallowing them as Roman watched. "What?" I said and watched him smile causing me to do the same.

"I'm just so happy that you're back." He said. He leaned in and we locked lips. Feeling the touch again was heavenly. I missed this so much. We pulled apart, I took a breath and spoke my mind.

"What exactly happened?" He blinked, obviously confused.

"What do you mean?" He asked. I shrugged but continued.

"I mean, what did Deceit make me do?"

"Well, you sided with him instead of us in the fight." I nodded and tried to remember for myself, but it was already so foggy. "How did he get you like that?" Roman asked.

"He bit me." Roman looked surprised but I didn't. "I-It's okay. He used to a lot whenever I rebelled. Basically, he venom makes you believe what he tells you. For me, he wanted me to be who I used to be." I sighed. "He wanted me to be submissive and obedient towards him and Remus again." I blinked back small tears and Roman put his hand on mine. "B-But that doesn't matter now." Roman held my hand tighter, making me look up at him.

"Of course it matters. You matter, Virgil. I hope you understand that." Roman pleaded.

"I do." I nodded. "I really do."

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