Part 5 - Virgil

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My head began to throb as my ears rang white noise. The light slipped through my closed eyelids. I made a tiny groan as I slowly lifted my head and opened my eyes. At least, I think my eyes were open. All I could see darkness but, there was a small yellow light above me which didn't help at all. 

As my body parts slowly woke up, I tried my best to move, but it was no use. I felt ropes at my wrists and ankles. The ropes were tied tightly and I was starting to feel the pins and needles forming. The rest of my dead weight body was sitting in a chair. 

My breathing started to speed up and become uneven. Oh god, not now. Not here. I already feel useless enough when having a panic attack. Having one while being tied only makes me feel worse! I started to tap my fingers on the chair to take my mind off of the situation. Or at least to the point where I could think clearly and hopefully escape.

I tapped for what felt like a solid minute and I was truly calming down. I started to feel my chest become more at ease and my thoughts weren't racing like they were before. I sighed quietly, feeling okay.

I then, felt a cloth-like material lock itself onto my mouth, keeping me from talking or making too many noises. My breathing became uneven once again, sweat pouring down my face. I hated it when people touched me! I knew Patton had hugged me earlier but I let it slide because, even if I did tell him to let go of me, I don't think he would've. 

With the clothed thing still on my mouth, the thing that had made the cloth appear started to slither around from behind me. Deceit. He was covering my mouth with his dish-washing gloved hand. He had a devilish smirk on his face and his eyes were like razors, cutting into me. "Shhh." He whispered to me. "Everything is alright, Virgil. There is no need to panic." 

His voice was slow and smooth. The room we were in made his voice echo, which only added to the creepiness of Deceit's stature. My breathing had slowed a little bit, but sweat still poured down and tears were pushing on the flood gates in my eyes. Deceit took note of this quickly. "It's okay. No need to cry. Just keep breathing." He still had a smirk on his lips which made me trust him even less. He slowly removed his hand and I started breathing through my mouth.

"W-What do you want, Deceit?" I asked. He merely laughed and wiped a little tear from his eye.

"Oh Virgil, we're all friends here! Please, call me my real name." He smiled and I could see his fangs. I raised an eyebrow with a slightly confused look.

"Answer my question, Deceit!" I demanded, still breathing hard. He frowned.

"Oh Virgil. Where is the fun in you? Where did the fun-loving Virgil I once knew go?" He asked. His voice was echoing around me. I couldn't cover my ears so I instead, closed my eyes, and put my head down, gritting my teeth. 

I hated my past. I truly did and Deceit knew that. He knew everything about me. I hated that too. 

He put his clothed hand under my chin and rose my head so we were looking at each other again. He pushed my head to the side and continued to talk. "The truth is Virgil, I had a realization today." He started walking circles around me. "I realized that your aura is so powerful. And so amazing! I mean, did you see how fast your friends left your room this morning?! They left because your aura was already affecting them!" I looked at him with hatred. He cupped my face in his hands and laughed. "Surely you noticed it too?!" 

While it was true, I had noticed it. The sudden rush of power I got while they were all in my room. Like the others were slowly losing all that made them stand out from each other. Their memories, their aura, their personality. I had felt all of that. But, I couldn't tell them that at the time. I was too drained from my nightmare. 

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