Part 12 : Episode 2 - Virgil

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Roman left my room and then almost on queue I ran into my bathroom. My entire face was wet with tears. My chest hurt like crazy, whether from guilt or the monster that had just revealed itself to Roman. I opened my medicine cabinet in a panic. I need to cut! My heart dropped when I couldn't find it. This is the only place I ever put it! I checked my pockets but nothing. I started to shake. I put my back against the wall and slid down it, crying. I'm a mess, I knew that. But I couldn't help it.

I felt a presence on my left. I was scared to look but did anyway. All I saw were combat boots with a cape behind them. I followed the body upwards and met eyes with Deceit who did not look happy. He extended his foot backward and kicked me in my side. I flew to the side, lifting off the ground a little bit until I landed on my floor in my main bedroom. 

I grabbed my side, I could only watch helplessly as Deceit's feet pounded on the ground making their way towards me. I closed my eyes, curling in on myself. Deceit's gloved hand wrapped around my neck and picked me up. I could feel my face become blue while his yellow eye looked into the dead center of mine. "You broke a rule!" Deceit yelled. He then threw me onto the ground. Before I could react further, he picked me up and threw me up against the wall. In the position I was now in, my face was jammed into the wall and my back was facing Deceit. He had his magic hold my arms over my head and at this point, I couldn't feel my legs.

I could feel Deceit's hand slither down to the end of my jacket and shirt. He pulled them up so my bare-skinned back was exposed to him. I heard a sound that sounded very similar to a knife coming out of its cover. I wanted to squirm but couldn't move. As for my voice, it felt like it was stolen.

The knife made contact with my back and it slowly slid down my back in a line. I bit my lip, the pain was unbearable, but still, I couldn't move. Once Deceit made the line, he came back at it, going deeper into my back which made small tears leak from my eyes. I whimpered weakly, making Deceit slam my face into the wall with his free hand. "Shut up!" he barked. I obeyed. Whatever I could do to make him stop.

Finally, the knife was out of my back and my hands were set free from his magical grasp. My legs still couldn't support me so I began to tip backward, only to be caught trust fall style by Deceit himself. I gazed back up at him, seeing his eyes glowing yellow. He gave me a toothy grin and chuckled to himself. "This hurt, didn't it?" I nodded, every part of me was tired and growing weaker by the second. 

I could feel my eyes glow the more I looked into Deceit's. I fought his gaze, snapping my head down, looking straight ahead. His hand slithered down to my chin, making me quiver as he tilted my head back to look his in the eyes again. "You're growing weaker, Virgil. Meaning soon, you will be mine." I shook my head, trying to get my thoughts in line. The yellow glow kept clouding my vision and my mind. I was barely thinking my own thoughts anymore! 

"You have two more strikes left Virgil." He dropped me once again and I felt flat on the floor. I blinked a couple of times as my own thoughts swarmed back into my mind. I looked back towards Deceit who was walking backwards into a corner. "Keep our deal safe and I won't ever do that to you again." He vanished into the shadow of the corner and I laid on my back, looking at my ceiling. My head was spinning but I wasn't dizzy. More...confused.

I heard a knock at my door which made my hair stand on end. I wasn't in the mood for any company but I didn't want to worry anyone any more than I probably was. Getting off the floor slowly, I made my way towards the door.

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