Part 24 - Roman

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From behind us, Logan grumbled. I whipped my head around and saw Remus' foot on top of Logan's chest while he made no motion to get up again.

I looked back at Virgil who was looking at Logan. I started to breathe rapidly as my thoughts swirled in my head like a stew. I could tell by Virgil's face that he knew something was wrong but couldn't find it in him to figure out why it was wrong. 

"Virgil, come on. You know him!" I gestured to Logan who was still on the ground. Remus laughed as I tried to fight for Virgil's memories. "That's Logan. He's smart and logical! He helps Thomas so much. Just like you do!"

"I'm sorry, I don't-" Virgil trailed off, shaking his head. Patton put a hand on my shoulder as I fought tears. I couldn't believe it. I wasn't going to believe it. Virgil wasn't gone. He can't be.

"What did you do to him?" I yelled towards Deceit who chuckled and began to pet Virgil's hair.

"What? He just...doesn't want to BE a light side anymore." Deceit said. Virgil looked uncomfortable while Deceit petted him. His hands were shaking and his lips were quivering. My fist clenched. I let the tears start streaming down my face. I couldn't just sit and watch as Virgil was clearly miserable.

"Virgil, wake up! This isn't you!" I said sternly. Virgil's eyes were locked with mine and his hands stopped shaking. "My name is Roman, Virgil. Do you know me?!" He started breathing harder.

"I...I..." Virgil stuttered. Deceit was looking back between Virgil and I. Deceit knew I was breaking through to Virgil. I took a shaky breath before I continued. "We met through Remus in the imagination. When Thomas was 15 years old. When he was 17, you came into our home and saved Thomas' life. We had such a great time that day! Please, Virgil, you've got to believe m-"

"THAT'S ENOUGH FROM YOU!" Deceit hollered whilst making his hand a fist causing my hand to clasp over my mouth.

"Stop!" Virgil yelled at Deceit. I could tell Virgil regretted that. Deceit's nostrils flared up as Virgil shrunk in on himself. "I-I'm sorry, Dee. I-I-I didn't mean it! I-"

Deceit extended his hand as the same purple anxious energy struck Virgil in the stomach. Virgil yelled as he lowered down to his knees, hugging himself with tears streaming down his face like a river. "You will be sorry!" Deceit said. With that, he delivered a kick into Virgil's chest. He fell onto his back and didn't move after that.

"K-Kiddo?!" Patton yelled frantically at Virgil who did not respond. Deceit looked back to us and smiled. He turned his body so he was facing us. Remus walked over as well, holding a knocked out Logan by the collar of his shirt.

"I think it's time we made our exit." Deceit said as he turned on his heels and stormed out. Remus dropped Logan which made a thud on the ground. As Remus left, he grabbed Virgil's hood and dragged him back towards the imagination's door.

Patton crawled out from under me and slowly made his way to Logan. He was shaking him by his chest, looking for any sign up waking up. Patton's sobs were heartbreaking, but I understood his feelings.

I quietly began to stand up, trying not to make too much noise. I ran at Remus and Deceit, pulling out my sword, ready for absolutely anything to happen. As I was closer to Remus, I drove my sword through his right leg. He stopped and screamed in pain, letting go of Virgil who weakly watched us.

Remus turned around, he had a familiar look in his eyes. The look of craziness and uncontrollable rage. He giggled wickedly and smiled. "You made...a bad choice," Remus said summoning his mace. Deceit stepped closer to Remus. I wondered if that was a good idea right now.

Deceit caught Remus' attention and he lowered his mace. "Heal Remus. I'll take care of him." Deceit stated. With that, Remus flipped me off and sunk down into his room to heal. In our rooms, we tend to heal faster. Deceit's hands lit up a bright purple as he smiled, "You sure you want to play this game?"

"Absolutely," I responded.

"Have it your way." Deceit shrugged as he charged at me. He shot little purple lightning strikes at me which I was able to block with my sword. I heard Patton cheer me on which fueled the vigor in me to win. 

I swung my sword around, trying to hit Deceit but he was faster than he seemed. He kicked me back but I was able to stay on my feet. I looked back up and was caught off guard by Deceit running full force at me. I held up my sword and looked away, awaiting sudden impact.

However, it never came.

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