Part 25 - Patton

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I held Logan's limp hand as I watched Roman fight Deceit. It was intense but I was barely paying attention, looking down at Logan every a couple of seconds to see if he was stirring at all. I placed a kiss on Logan's forehead and softly let a sob escape me.

I heard Roman gasp and my eyes looked swiftly up at him. I watched while Deceit charged at Roman. He held his sword up as if it were a shield and waited.

What he didn't see, was Virgil slowly stand up and hold his hands out in front of him. He seemed to be holding both Deceit and Roman in place. He looked just as shocked as Deceit. I don't think Deceit thought Virgil had any more power in him. Virgil only started breathing fast but he didn't lower his hands. I could tell he was having an internal fight in his head.

"Anxiety!" Deceit yelled, causing him to jump slightly. "What are you doing? Let me go so I can kill him!" Anxiety shook his head and Roman gave a nervous laugh.

"You remember me?!" Roman sighed.

"N-No. I'm sorry." Virgil said in response. "But, you seemed to know me. So, I-I don't know who to believe." He said nervously.

"Anxiety, you know me. I've raised you!" Deceit said through gritted teeth, trying to sound sincere. "We're like brothers, you and I and Remus!"

"No, Virgil, he's wrong!" Roman shouted back. "He made you his prisoner. You weren't happy here. Virgil, he doesn't accept you and he never will!" Roman's voice was breaking and Virgil just listened which was obviously upsetting Deceit. "Back at our house, you were happy. You were loved by Patton, by Logan, by me." Virgil's lips curled up as he started understanding what Roman was saying more and more.

Virgil's hands grabbed onto his head as Deceit and Roman were released. Virgil was fighting himself again. "N-No stop!" He kept muttering to himself. Even though the two sides were released by Virgil, neither moved. They just watched it.

Finally Deceit moved, but not toward Roman. He rushed to Virgil, grabbing his shoulders and shooting more of his anxious energy into Virgil, making him yell out in pain.

"Remember what you really are Virgil! One of us! Not one of them!" Deceit growled. Virgil grabbed Deceit's shoulders. Virgil opened his eyes, locking his with Deceit. And for once, Deceit looked uncertain.

"You are wrong!" Virgil hollered. With newfound strength, I watched Deceit get pushed to the floor. Virgil placed his foot on his chest. Virgil's eyes were still locked with Deceit's as his body began to glow purple as Deceit's did the same. 

"Let's see how you like it!" Virgil yelled while a purple mist came out of Deceit and flowed into Virgil. Deceit was squirming on the ground, trying to fight Virgil's power. Roman and I watched powerlessly but we were both beaming seeing our friend return to his normal self.

The mist slowly faded away and Deceit sunk out. Roman cheered and I clapped my hands in celebration as Virgil watched the ground where Deceit was. He was swaying in little amounts which Roman keyed into as Virgil fell backward. Roman ran over and picked him up like he was his bride. He smiled looking at his peaceful face. "He's back." I simply said. Roman smiled and walked over to me and Logan.

I heard some silent moans as Logan pushed himself up to a sitting position. He rubbed his head and looked at me. "Patton?" He mumbled. I smiled and gave him a big hug. He returned it quickly, kissing the top of my head.

"I was so worried Logie! I didn't know what to do!" I cried into his chest. We pulled apart and he lifted my chin so I was looking at him.

"I would never leave you, Patton. I hope you know that." Logan cooed. I nodded happily as I helped him to his feet.

"Come on guys. Let's go home." Roman said as he headed towards the door. Logan and I wrapped our hands together and followed happily behind.

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