Part 19 - Virgil

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My whole body shivered as my eyes met with Remus'. He laughed a chaotic and devilish laugh which made me flinch. He brought his hands together and continued to smile at me. Seeing him like this almost makes me forget that he is the brother of Roman. How could two twin siblings be so different? 

"How was the nap, Virgil? I presume you're doing well?" He laughed again. My legs were starting to give out, I was shaking so much. When I still lived with Deceit and Remus, Deceit would hurt me mentally and emotionally, while Remus would do it physically. I didn't want to relive that nightmare.

Remus pushed me backward and I fell onto the ground, not willing to fight back. "W-What do you want f-from me?" I asked, my voice drenched in fear. Remus crouched down so our eyes could meet again.

"Why, your aura of course. Have you not been paying attention?" Remus stood up and kicked me in my nose. Blood ran down my face and things were beginning to spin. 

He then grabbed me by the hood and started to drag me back over to where the table about their plan was. "In all honesty Virgil, Deceit wanted your aura more than anything. Something about, 'getting back what was once ours' or something like that. I merely agreed to help him as long as I got to beat you, like the good old days!" Having Remus dragging me by the hood started choking me slightly, I still refused to fight back. Maybe it was old instincts kicking in, but I wasn't going to move a muscle. 

Remus threw me against the leg of the table which caused the lamp to fall onto my head. I rubbed my head and focused on staying alert and present. Never know when I'm gonna need to run. "If I remember the conversation Deceit and I had before I come and knocked you out, Deceit was only going to let you off with a warning for telling your friends. However..." Remus said before kicking me in the stomach. 

I hunched over, hugging myself. I felt a harsh tug on the top of my head, meeting eyes with Remus seeing as he was lifting my head by my hair. "Based on how much you've seen of our little plan, you'll be staying here for a long time." He threw my head back down and my heart nearly beat out of my chest when I looked back up at his face. He was frowning. That's never EVER a good sign if he's not happy. That only means, he punches, kicks, and swings, harder.

I heard a door open and a big intake of light surrounded the room until the door was shut once again. In came Deceit. I watched as Remus greeted him. Deceit then stomped his way over to me, giving me a smile before turning to Remus. "What did he see?"

"Almost all of it. Just say the word, Deceit, and I'll beat the living shit out of him" Remus laughed. Deceit put his hand up to quiet the crazed side. He grabbed my hand and lifted it, then let it fall. When he saw my hand fall limp, Deceit smiled.

"There will be no need to beat him too much further, Remus. He's already on the brink of death." Deceit lowered himself. "I think it's time to go into the next phase of our plan." Deceit hissed. My breathing started to pick up and my palms became sweaty. Deceit rose up and walked back to Remus.

"What about my brother and his friends?" Remus questioned.

"Oh, they'll be out for a while."

"NO!" I yelled. I put my hand over my mouth. I wish I hadn't done that. Remus took heavy steps over to me and slapped me across the face. My face tingled as I fell on my side, hitting my head on the floor. I didn't even bother to move, I just laid there. A heap of partly dried blood and tears.

"Pathetic" Deceit whispered loud enough for me to hear. "Remus, prepare the chains." Remus bounced away, leaving just me and Deceit. Me and the person who held my powers in their hands. "You read our plans, right Virgil?" I didn't nod back which didn't make Deceit happy. 

He moved his hand slightly, throwing me into the wall. I landed weakly on my feet and almost felt forward until Deceit caught me and pushed me back into the wall. "Do you know what happens next?" I was still breathing at a rapid pace but shook my head slowly. Deceit grinned, "Than this should be fun."

With his hands, he pushed my shoulders deeper into the wall. I tried to fight against his grip but he was way too strong. He opened his mouth and I could see his fangs shine. I squirmed more. He was gonna bite me, I could tell by the look in his eye. 

His mouth grew closer and closer to my neck. All I could do was move around, but even then, I was barely moving at all. "Help!" I called out for but by that point, it was too late.

His fangs dug into my neck and I froze. I couldn't move. I was stuck. I felt a terrible pain in my neck as a thick liquid started passing through my veins. My eyes lids started to droop and I felt Deceit's fangs leave my person. My head dropped to now that Deceit wasn't supporting it. He lifted up my chin so we were face to face. 

My vision was blurring and my hearing was quieting. "While you sleep, you may still be Virgil. But when you wake, you'll be someone old." Deceit whispered. That was the last thing I heard before Deceit dropped me and my eyes closed.

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