Part 22 - Logan

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I took a step back from my mangled bookshelf that is now on the floor. While it was sad to see it this way, there were more important matters to be dealt with. 

Patton and Roman had already left my room, laughing to themselves about my outbreak over my bookshelf. The memories from before being struck with the anxious energy by Deceit were starting to come back to me.

While it wasn't much, I just remember trying to reach out to Patton for help. I felt so cold and awful. Like every thought I've ever had was fighting against me. I shook the memories from my head for now and walked out of my door. 

I noticed Roman's door was on the floor, he must've kicked it down. Desperate times call for desperate measures. I looked to my left where Patton and Virgil's rooms are, but something wasn't right. Where Virgil's door should've been, was gone.

I walked up to the wall, roughly where the door should be. I traced the wall with my fingers, feeling for any clue or hint that the door was there. I felt nothing. I heard a gasp, looking over, Roman was covering his mouth, looking at the exact thing I was trying to find. "I'm sorry, Roman," I said softly. "We may be too late." Roman came closer and examined the wall. I was watching his eyes. They were wet with tears that didn't want to come out. I could tell that he was trying to make sense of everything in his mind.

"His can't just be gone. It has to be somewhere else!" Roman stated.

"The dark mind palace, Roman," I said, adjusting my glasses. "He's got to be there."

"Then what are we waiting for?" Patton said. Roman and I both turned our heads behind us, where Patton was standing. He also had tears in his eyes but had a harder time holding them back. 

I stepped carefully and wrapped my arms around Patton and let him softly cry into my shoulder. I looked up at Roman who was also looking at me. I blushed and looked away. I wasn't embarrassed about my relationship with Patton, I'm just not used to it being public.

Patton and I pulled apart as he made his way towards the imagination's door. I started to follow when Roman put his hand on my shoulder. "Logan, I'm sorry for my outburst towards you about the books. To be honest, you had every right to keep them. You were right. We wouldn't know what to do if one of the dark sides corrupted one of us."

"No, Roman. It is I who owes you an apology. You were correct as well. We shouldn't be talking poorly about Virgil when he isn't around to defend himself." Roman let go of my shoulder and we followed Patton to the door of the imagination. Patton opened the door and the light blinded us, but we kept walking until the world around took form.

The room seemed to react to Roman's presence. Seeing as he is here all the time. Now there was a castle behind a hill, a small cove that was near a river, and an old bench that looked damaged beyond repair. Roman sighed as we passed said bench. I started to wonder why he didn't fix it. This was the imagination after all.

I opened my mouth to ask but the clear blue sky began to turn gray. We all stopped and observed the sky. "That's odd," Roman muttered to himself. Patton stuck his hand out and watched as little ran drops danced on it.

"Roman, why did you want it to rain?!" Patton asked.

"I didn't! It's only like when Thomas is having a panic attack!" Roman froze after he realized what he said. He looked back to the door back to the mind palace. "We can't sink down here! We can go back and help Thomas quickly!" Roman had begun to yell as the winds picked up. My tie was blowing into my chest which made me realize what the room was doing.

"The wind is blowing us towards our door! It's trying to get us out!"

"We can't go back now! If Virgil's door is gone who knows what condition he's in!" Patton shouted. Roman and I nodded in agreement as we took slow steps against the wind. Lightning started striking only a few feet away from us. It rattled my core whenever one touched the ground.

Roman started to run towards the door and Patton followed behind. I looked behind us and saw a tornado whirling towards us. Thomas' panic attack must be huge. I began to run as well, catching up with the others quickly.

The door was in our sights, we were almost there. Roman was the first to reach it. He opened it wide so we could all run in. I grabbed hold of Patton's hand as we both ran through, Roman coming behind us and slamming the door shut.

Patton laid on the ground, trying to catch his breath while Roman and I put our hands on our knees and calmed down. "That...was...awful!" Patton said.

"It's the worst one I've ever seen," Roman remarked. I looked to my right and almost lost my breath again. The others must've seen what I was looking at as they both gasped as well. With heavy hearts, we walked over to our friend who was chained to a wall.

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