Part 11 - Logan

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I watched for a second, seeing Virgil drop to his knees, and Roman place a comforting hand on his shoulder. Virgil looked like he was in pain but wasn't making any sort of sound to prove it. Patton rushed over to the other side of Virgil and I followed behind him. Patton squatted down to meet Virgil's eyes but Virgil made no sign of looking back at him or even seeing Patton in the first place. 

"Kiddo?" Patton paused, thinking of any way to get a response from the side in front of him. "Virgil, can you hear me!" Patton's voice was getting louder. I was a little stunted when Patton used Virgil's name. He usually uses the designated nickname he has for each of us or he'll call us, 'kiddo.' Rarely by our first names.

Virgil's head lifted slightly up the stairs and then his head dropped down. Roman's other hand moved onto Virgil's back to prevent him from falling down the stairs. His head dropped to the side and I could see his eyes were closed and his lips were parted slightly. Virgil had passed out.

I looked up the stairs to where Virgil's eyes had tried to go but I did not see anything. I looked back down at Virgil and watched Patton shake him by the arms, trying desperately to wake Virgil. "C-Come on, Virgil. W-Wake up, p-please!" His voice grew shaky. He quickly gave up after that and instead, cried into his hands. Patton ran up the stairs and into his room with nothing but the slamming of the door in his wake. Leaving myself and Roman to deal with the anxious side.

"What do you think happened?" Roman asked.

"I'm not sure. Maybe not enough sleep?" I pondered. "Although..." I took a closer look at Virgil. His skin was so pale and his hair seemed a lighter brown than normal. The shadows under his eyes were so much lighter than when he had popped up in the living room a few minutes ago. If my books on him were correct, something is very wrong.

In a blind minute of panic, I looked at Roman with a calm gaze, "Probably not enough sleep. We should take him to his room and make sure he rests up fully." I didn't want to worry Roman, I know about his crush for Virgil. It's pretty obvious.

Roman nodded and picked Virgil up bridal style as we walked to his room. I opened the door for Roman but was slightly shocked when I entered the room. The walls were almost a pale purple instead of the usual, almost black, purple. His posters were torn up and his curtains were trashed. I gulped and let Roman enter. He looked just as shocked as me.

Roman looked past the room and instead put Virgil down gently on his bed and sat down next to him, stroking his hair. I gave a small smile and brush my hair back out of my face. "You think you can take it from here, Roman?"

"Yeah, of course" Roman said. He quickly stood up with a flustered look as if I didn't already know about his feeling towards Virgil. I nodded, walked out of the room, shutting the door.

Now, to check on Patton.

I walked down the hall back towards the stairs until I was met with his bright blue door. Before I even knocked, I could hear his muffled cries that pulled my heartstrings like they were the strings of a harp. I knocked lightly and heard him gasp. "Patton? It's me...Logan. Are-are you doing okay?" 

He opened his door and started to cry heavily again. I wrapped my arms around him and felt his crying body pour tears into my shirt. It took him a minute before he walked into his room and signaled me to follow. I shut the door behind me and looked around. The room looked just as I remembered it from the last time we were in here for a video. 

I sat next to Patton on his bed and watched as he calmed down slightly. I put my hand under his chin so that our eyes were locked. My heart was now more of a drum than a harp. Beating like it never has before. Patton's lips were parted and his eyes were innocent. I smiled and leaned in.

 When our lips touched it was like fireworks had just gone off. His lips were soft like pillows and we both melted into it. When we parted our lips, I looked deeply into his eyes again. "You want to talk about it?" Patton nodded and I let my hand that was on his chin fall until our hands were locked together.

"I just want Virgil to be alright. He's gone through so much with...with us a-and his past. The kiddo deserves a break. Now look at him." Patton sighed. I could tell that his shoulders felt lighter as he spilled his mind to me. I held his hand tighter.

"I get what you mean. Unfortunately though, that's not how life works. I'm sorry this is how you feel Patton, but once he is awake and better, I'm going to help him. To the very best of my ability." Patton smiled brightly while his arms wrapped me in a tight hug. I kissed the top of his head and rested my forehead against his. "I love you, Patton. And I will stop at nothing to make sure that you are happy and well."

"I love you too, Logan." We hugged like this for a couple of minutes until Patton yawned. His arms dropped down. I put my hand on the back of his head, lowering him on to his pillow as he slipped into sleep. I quietly stepped out of his room, closing the door when I heard another door close. I saw Roman walked into his own room. Seeing as Roman would never leave Virgil in the condition that he was in, I assumed, Virgil was awake.

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