Part 15 - Virgil

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I woke up in a ton of pain with a sinking feeling deep in my gut. I opened my eyes just a little to see Deceit looming above me from the foot of my bed, grinning a full fanged smile. He had a yellow glow around him, meaning, he was draining my aura once again. 

I let out another scream of pain. "Make it s-stop!" I begged. His smile dropped as the glow faded from me and the monster crawled back inside my stomach. I frantically tried to catch my breath as Deceit walked from the foot to the side of my bed.

"Your clock is ticking Virgil. I'd start writing your memoirs." He laughed. We looked away from each other and towards the door when we both could hear banging from the outside.

"Virgil!" Patton's voice was muffled through the door. "Kiddo, are you okay?"

Before I could answer, Deceit closed his fit, making my throat close. My face started to turn blue, I wanted to yell out for help but I couldn't. Deceit grinned and called out in my voice, "Yeah, I'm fine." He looked back at me with a smirk. He opened his fist back up and my throat opened.

"You'll pay for that," I mumbled rubbing my neck.

"Oh, I think you will more than me." He said. He pointed towards my bathroom door while his eyes sparkled with joy. All of a sudden, I felt like I was going to puke. I pushed past Deceit and opened the bathroom door in a rush. A slid next to the toilet and threw up.

"Virgil, are you throwing up?" Roman yelled through the door.

"N-No" My voice cracked. Now I could hear the others trying to open my door. It was locked as usual. I didn't have the might to get up. Deceit was now nowhere in sight. I looked down and noticed the lock necklace that Deceit gave me when the deal was first made. I never wanted to rip something apart more. 

I tried to pull it off my neck but it bound to me as long as the deal was still intact. I quickly tucked it back under my jacket when I heard the unmistakable sound of hinges being broken and saw my door fall to the floor and three shadows making their way towards the bathroom. 

I let my head fall back against the wall, I was so tired, my eyes were barely open. I slowly blinked and now Roman was in front of me, shaking me lightly with fear in his eyes. I put my hands in my lap and tried to fidget to keep me awake. I couldn't risk worrying them anymore if I passed out in front of them. Again.

 Patton was kneeling slightly behind Roman and Logan was standing next to Patton, reading through a book with, Anxiety written on the cover. Looking back at Roman, I felt tears pricking at my eyes. I leaned forward, giving him all my body weight then wrapping my arms around him in a hug. My heart hurt as much as my aching body. I don't know what do to anymore. 

"Easy, Virgil. I got you." Roman said as he put his arms around me and kissed the top of my head. I could feel my blush but couldn't be bothered to hide it. Patton gave me a worried smile and I only replied in more tears.

"I-I'm s-s-s-sorry, you g-guys," I muttered into Roman's arm.

"Don't be, kiddo," Patton said. "We only want to help you."

"Indeed." Logan followed, closing his book. He took a knee like Patton was and looked directly at me. "Virgil, we know you're hurting and something isn't right, but we can't help you if you don't let us." I sat back up and the three sides looked at me. My hands were shaking, but I couldn't take much more of my aura being forcefully removed or Deceit craving into my back again. I took a breath.

"I...I-I made a deal w-with, Decei-" I stopped suddenly when I started to hear loud voices in my head. This felt familiar. I slowly put my hands up to my ears, trying to block them out. It was not helping, only making him worse. 

I could see Roman's mouth moving, trying to talk to me but no sound was coming out. I arched my back as I started feeling a stabbing pain glide down my back. It felt like Deceit was craving into my back again. But how? I'm up against the wall. 

I knew the contract was bleeding down my arm when Logan rolled up my sleeve and tried to stop the bleeding. I quivered and shook violently. My heart pumping faster than I could inhale air. Roman grabbed my shoulders and tried to stop me from shaking or moving too much but it wasn't working. I screamed in pain and watched my vision blur with tears. The voices in my head grew into loud white noise that I couldn't pay attention to any longer. 

Then, I felt myself get pulled back quickly, the wind blowing through my hair like it was nothing. I phased through the wall. I was outside of the mind palace house. How did I get here?! I could barely process anything that just happened. Where was Roman? I need him right now. Something heavy clashed against my head, and the world went black.

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