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I appeared back in the dark mind place a couple days later. I'll admit, I was winded after Virgil regained his memories. Damn Roman.

Remus popped up a couple seconds later. By the looks of it, his leg was fine, he was putting weight on it and didn't seem to be bothered. Well, not by his leg anyway. "I'm gonna shove my mace right through that bastard's heart and then rip out his organs one by one!" Remus screamed. I quickly put my hand on his shoulder, trying to sooth his mind which I already knew was a lost cause.

He looked at me with shock in his eyes. I knew by his expression: we were thinking the same thing. We looked around the darkness, only seeing our table from before and the lamp which was now on the floor. I sighed heavily and followed that by smacking Remus in the face. "You fucking idiot! You know he could be around."

"I-I know and I'm sorry, Deceit. You know how I can get." He said, twitching. We looked around again before we began walking back to the table.

"I think we're fine, for now." The table still had the same papers on it, although now I could see some papers had fallen off the table. I started collecting them as Remus walked over to the wall that housed Virgil while my venom sunk in. He picked them up, throwing them over his shoulder and huffed.

"Back into the drawer of torture." Remus giggles with delight.

I ran my hands threw my hair in a burst of rage. I smashed the papers in my hand onto the table which gained a glance for Remus. "How are we supposed to get Virgil back now! His friends will be on high alert!"

"E-Easy there, Deceit. We'll find a way. H-He doesn't have to know about this!" Remus stuttered nervously.

"Oh, I already do." Said a voice from the darkness. Remus and I both turned our heads, I put my shaking hands behind me while Remus rubbed his hands together in a nervous fit.

Pounding footsteps shook the ground as the figure came closer and closer. I smiled a very fake smile and Remus followed my move. He looked at both of us before smiling, giving a small chuckle. "Oh gentlemen. We're all friends here." He put his hands up. I thickly swallowed and nodded along.

"I must say, that performance was a bit...pathetic. Even for you two. My very best workers for the job. But, time goes on." He smiled again. "Well, when at first you don't succeed...."

Yes, I AM making a sequel to "Losing Control" after much consideration, I finally decided to do so. I'm so excited about this one and I'm sure you'll all love it.

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