Part 4 - Patton

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As I was sweeping the glass off the kitchen floor from the jam jar I dropped, I got to thinking, what was Virgil's nightmare about? The very thought made my skin crawl as I continued to sweep. 

My hair stood on end when I looked over towards the living room to see Logan watching me. Maybe he had noticed how focused and lost in thought I looked. We both blushed and I looked away quickly. 

I've always liked Logan. I don't know what it is about him. He just...understands my goofy and child-like stature and that makes my heart flutter. Logan cleared his throat as if collecting his thoughts one final time as he spoke out. "Patton, is something troubling you?" I looked up at him flustering at his words. He cared! 

I sighed as I leaned my broom against the kitchen counter. I took a step towards the living room, suddenly feeling a sharp pain in my barefoot.

"Ow!" I yelped. As I picked my foot up as I saw, the ball of my foot was swarming with blood. I must've missed a piece of glass. Logan quickly came into the kitchen and examined my foot. I could see the gears in his head cranking. He helped me sit on the kitchen countertop and started to stop the wound from bleeding further with a paper towel. I smiled at him deeply. "Thank you, Logan."

He looked up at me and gave a small nod and a smile. "You're very welcome, Patton." He was speedily cleaning my foot, taking the first aid kit from under the sink. He started to wrap a band-aid around my foot. "There. All better" He said as he started to pack the first aid kit away. As he did so, he turned back up to me. "Now, about my previous question," Logan said. I looked down at my bandaged foot.

"I don't know, Lo." I began. "It's know that Virgil's nightmares have been getting worse! I can only imagine the fear that flows through him every time he wants to sleep." Logan put his hand on my shoulder. I looked down at said hand and then looked up at him. His dark brown eyes looking deeply into mine. I couldn't help but smile slightly and blush even more.

"You're a great father, Patton. I know it's hard to sit and watch as Virgil panics but just know, you're not a bystander in all of this." Logan said softly. That was all I needed to hear. I gave Logan a hug and he slowly returned it. When we pulled apart I smiled brightly at Logan.

"Thank you again, Logan. You're the best."

"Hardly" he replied with a small smile. I jumped off the countertop. Grabbing the broom handle once more, I began sweeping all the glass into a dustpan and throwing it away. As I put the broom and dustpan away, I realized the Roman had moved from his spot in the living room that he was in when I originally started cleaning the remains of the jam jar.

"Hey, Lo... where and why did Roman leave?" I asked. Logan looked at me and then to the stairs, probably piecing together the story in his mind.

"As to where he went, I believe he proceeded up to the second floor," Logan explained. "As for why-" Logan was interrupted as fast-paced footsteps were heard coming down the stairs. Roman appeared, out of breath and frantic. He then looked to us when he collected his breath and his thoughts and stated:

"Virgil is gone!"

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