Part 3 - Roman

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The day started fairly normal. I woke up in my bright and shiny room, the curtains drawn back so all the natural light was coming through. Isn't that just the best way to start a morning? My alarm clock started beeping so I sat up straight. My feet now touching the floor as I turned off the rather-annoying beeping noise. I fully extended my arms in a stretch and gave a musical yawn. 

Pushing myself fully to my feet, I ventured towards my closet. At the moment, I was shirtless with only sweat pants and bunny slippers on. It was my usual nighttime attire but, dare I say it, I found it better than the other sides' nighttime attire. In my closet were my usual clothes. The whole "princely" outfit hanging on a hanger with a plastic casing around it like a prom dress or wedding suit. Oddly enough, because we weren't filming today, I was more in favor of wearing something a little less but still fabulous.

I instead, reached for my red hoodie with a crown in the middle as the design and some average jeans. I looked in my full-length mirror behind me. I brushed my hair out of my face, styling it to my liking. Finally I put some socks on and called myself complete.

I then proceeded to make my way down the stairs where I could see Logan in the kitchen making some toast. He was on his phone-I could only assume reading a science article or something- and wearing his normal clothing. Maybe he just doesn't have a full variety of clothing like I do. Probably, more or less, he didn't want such variety. 

The toaster shot up with his toast and he continued the motions of putting it on a plate and buttering it, without looking away from his phone.

As I ventured more into the kitchen, my presence noticed by Logan. He briefly looked up at me, "Good morning, Roman" he said, making his way towards his chair in the living room.

"Good morning to you too, Logan," I said, cheerfully. He seemed unamused but still gave a subtle hum. I then looked around, noticing we were missing the other two. I quickly turned to Logan, putting my elbows on the kitchen counter in slight curiosity. "By any chance Logan, have you seen the other two?" Before Logan could answer, Patton came beaming now the stairs in his usual light and happiness.

He smiled at me before saying, "Good morning, Roman!" I waved, smiling too. I couldn't help it. Patton being so bubbly made me want to match his energy. Almost like a competition. But he would win any challenge involving happiness. He then turned to Logan, beaming even brighter, if that was even something he could do at this point. "Morning, Lo! Looking snazzy as ever!" He cheered. Logan just nodded.

"Greetings as well, Patton" Logan then turned back to me, "That answers half of your question but as for Virgil, I have not seen him yet this morning." I simply nodded at Logan's words. I could hear Patton behind me, rummaging through the fridge, finding some jam inside a glass jar. He continued to hold the jar in his hand and was about to set it down.

Then we all heard something.

A full out scream of terror echoed through the vents. It came from upstairs. I turned towards the stairs, knowing only one person could make that type of scream. I heard glass shatter in Patton's direction. I quickly turned to see he had dropped the jam jar onto the floor, but that didn't seem to bother him as he ran full speed up the stairs with Logan at his heels. I was a little late to follow but we all got to the door at the same time.

Patton opened Virgil's door without knocking first. I don't even think Patton thought twice about not knocking; he was in full dad mode. We all piled into his room and saw him. He was lying on his bed, trembling with tears pouring out of his closed eyes. 

Patton then went to Virgil's side, shaking his arm, trying to get any type of reaction from him. "Virgil? Virgil, kiddo, please wake up!" Nothing. Patton then took him by the shoulders, putting one knee next to Virgil on the bed and started the shake him violently. I could only imagine what that was doing in his nightmare. 

I looked towards Logan, who looked like he was going to tell Patton to stop. Even if Logan did say that, I don't think Patton would listen. Before Logan could say anything though, Virgil's eyes slowly opened and he started to look around. Even though he was looking around, I could tell, he didn't know where he was or who we were. His breathing was off and his face began to become dry from his tears stopping. 

Patton had stopped shaking him, "Thank goodness, you're awake!" Patton exclaimed, wrapping his arms around him. Virgil stiffly wrapped his arms around Patton, which made my heart skip a little. I was glad he was starting to recognize things again. His breathing return to a more normal level once again. Patton had worked his magic and fully calmed him down. 

The two pulled apart and Patton went back to dad mode. "Now, what happened, kiddo?" Patton questioned. Virgil looked apprehensive, unsure if even he knew what had happened.

"I-It's ok if you're not comfortable telling us yet!" I butted in. Virgil looked thankful I had said that. I smiled slightly but Virgil sighed and began to speak.

"I-It was...j-just a n-" He paused. "Wait. How did you know I had a nightmare?" I looked to Logan who gave a quick sigh and tightens his tie.

"First of all, you were mumbling and yelling which we could hear from the commons. Second of all, that was no nightmare, Virgil. That was a panic attack. A big one too, I'd say." Logan finished. Virgil's eyes looked glossed over like he wasn't fully awake or in the conversation yet but I knew he was. Patton put his hands on his shoulders again.

"You're sure you're ok, kiddo? Someone can stay in here with you for a while." Patton said sweetly. I was ready to volunteer to stay with him because I'll admit, I kinda have a thing for him.

"No, I-I'm feeling better now." He spoke up. Dammit. 

Logan had turned towards the door, opening it wide for us. I was the first to go as I respected his wishes to be alone. Perhaps I'd want to be alone too if I had just gone through whatever hell Virgil had stepped into.

 I walked back into the kitchen with Logan and Patton following after me shortly. Patton grabbed a broom and started to clean up the shattered glass in the kitchen. I sat on the living room couch, trying to collect my thoughts which were completely jumbled at this point. 

What was his nightmare about? Does he want to talk about it? He said he was ok, but is he? In one swift motion I stood up and headed back upstairs. I didn't care if he didn't want to be bothered. He needed to get it off his chest. This would make him feel better. I know it.

I rounded the corner to his room and stood in front of the door. I wanted to do this but the devil on my shoulder was pulling me back. All I wanted to do was help! Could I not even do that?! I ended up reaching out to the doorknob, turning it, and entering the room. To my surprise...

...he was gone.

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