Part 12 : Episode 1 - Roman

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Once Logan left the room, I sat back down on Virgil's bed and stroked his hair. His hair was so soft and smooth, I wonder what he uses? Instead of waiting around like a creep until Virgil wakes up, I decided to look around his room. I know he'd probably hate this but if there is something here that'll help him get better, I'm going to find it. 

I went over to his desk where he had a locked journal and many pages of sketches. They were all amazing. I looked through some of them and I saw one of...wait. One of me? It was beautiful. The linework was clean and exact, while the coloring almost looked real. His shading on the drawing was incredible too. It was a masterpiece. My smile was so wide I was worried about breaking my jaw so I continued my search.

Making my way to his dresser, he had a lot of books sitting on the top. A lot of the books were self-help and guides on drawing. One caught my eye though, it was a yellow book with two snake heads on one body. I couldn't have mistaken it. The title read, Deceit. Why did Virgil have a book on Deceit? Maybe for the same reason that I have a book on Remus...

I put the book back in the same spot to make it look untouched and entered his bathroom. His bathroom looked like mine so it was nothing special. I went to his sink and saw the faintest red rim near the drain. Uh oh. I looked at his medicine cabinet and opened it up. I was shocked when I learned what was inside. There were pill bottles for anti-anxiety and depression, his makeup, and a razor blade. 

I put my hand on my mouth to avoid screaming or crying. I grabbed the blade and looked at its red rim much like his sink. I put the blade in my pocket but nearly dropped it when I heard moaning.

I whipped around and saw Virgil start to stir. I quickly ran over a took a seat on his bed calmly. I watched as he slowly opened his eyes and surveyed his surroundings. His eyes darted to me as he sat up in his bed. When he was up, his body swayed a bit. His arms reached out and I grabbed them and tried to steady him. "Easy there," I said. He shook his head and stopped swaying. His eyes looked back at me.

"What happened?" I gave him a nervous look.

"Do you not remember?" He shook his head. I sighed and tried to explain. "Well, up came back up from seeing Thomas because I told you that-"

"I remember that just..." he paused, trying to think to a point to where he couldn't remember. "What happened after you let go of my wrists?"

I nodded and took a breath, "Well, you wrapped your arms around yourself and then me, Patton, and Logan started talking about what we thought was going on with you. Then, you fell onto your knees." Virgil nodded along to my story as I continued, "Then Patton started to talk to you but you didn't give a sign of answering. Then you...well." I stopped. Will this worry him if he knows this? I hope not. He seemed eager to know and he has every right to know. 

"Then you dropped your head and passed out." Virgil gasped. He brought his knees to his chest and played with his sleeves. He looked like he was remembering what was going through his mind at the time. "B-But, your okay now!" I tried to cheer him up but to no avail. "You are okay now, right?" I questioned.

I could see through Virgil's eyes that his mind was running a mile a minute. He opened his mouth a couple of times as if to speak but would only shake his head and return to the drawing board in his mind. Finally he looked up at me, "Roman, I need to tell you something." I shuffled closer to him and put my hand gently on his. He blushed and started to talk before he changed his mind. "You see, I made this deal-" His eyes shot up and his body stiffened as if on command.

"V-Virgil are you, okay?" He didn't answer. I shook his leg, "Virgil!" Suddenly his eyes became black and dark bursts of energy shot out through his chest. I fell off his bed in surprise, only watching in shock as that was all I could do. Virgil's hands were on his head, trying to calm down and stop whatever was happening. I could see tears running down his face and I could feel the tension in the thick air.

My body finally moved and I stood up and tried to make my way to Virgil but I felt something wrap around my leg. I was lifted into the air by one of the tentacle-like energy bursts coming from Virgil's chest. Hanging upside down, watching Virgil helplessly made me almost sick. I had to act fast or else who knows what will happen. I grabbed my sword and cut the tentacle from my leg. As I fell onto the floor, I heard Virgil scream. I realized by cutting the monstrous thing, it also hurt Virgil. I fought back tears. I didn't mean to hurt him. I quickly stood up and was ready to repay him for hurting him.

I fought my way to him until I could see his fully panicked self through the beast spewing from his chest. I put my hands on his shoulders and leaned in. I kissed him directly on the lips and watched his eyes go back to their usual dark brown. Even though his expression was still shocked, his body loosen and calmed down until he started to return my kiss. The monster retreated back inside him and I smiled as we pulled apart.

Virgil's hands were shaking and his skin seemed even paler if that was possible. "G-get out" Virgil mumbled.

"What?" I said.

"Thank you...f-for everything but, p-please, g-get out." He put his face in his hands. "I don't want to hurt you even more." I fought back hugging him or kissing him again as I knew that would only upset him. I followed his wish and left the room, letting the tears free fall as I stormed to my room, his blade still in my pocket.

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