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Sonic's POV

I got a job somewhere in the city. I was shocked after Rouge give me a job at the G.U.N.

"What!? You seriously give me a job at the G.U.N!?" I asked nervously.

Rouge nods her head and look at me confidently. "I'm sure you'll do a great job there." she said.

I pinned my ears down and I'm afraid I would do something bad or maybe make a terrible destruction. I nod my head and she take me to the G.U.N base.

I gulped and she take me inside. "Don't be so childish here." she gives me a warning. Rouge knock the door and there's a soldier standing in front of us.

"I'm Rouge and this is my friend named Sonic the hedgehog." she introduced myself.

The soldier nods. "Yeah, I heard that many times about the blue hedgehog. You may come in." he said.

Rouge take me to the office and she shows me a place for me to do some job. " will sit here and do that paperwork." she said.

I look at the desk and there's some paperwork. "So, who will sit beside me?" I asked as I saw an empty sit on the other desk over there. Rouge shrugged and walk away.

I sit on my desk and saw a sample of the paperwork. I sighed and do that paperwork.

After an hours...

My head was lying on the desk and I purred softly. I lift my head up and saw someone standing in front of me.

"Oi, Faker. Did you already finished your paperwork?" a deep voice calling me and I look at him.

"Shadow? What are you doing here?" I asked as I rub my both eyes.

"I wanna know if you already finished that paperwork that Rouge give to you. I need to send them to the counter over there." Shadow said.

I nods and hand the paperwork to him. "Everything is done." I said. I look at him. "you work here too, Shadow?" I asked.

He look at me and look back at the paperwork. "Of course... Do you see the empty desk over there?" he said. I look at the empty desk and nod.

"That's my place." He said and my heart stopped beating. "am I going with him!?" I said in my mind. I look at my desk while blushing.

Shadow arrange the paperwork and went to the counter without saying any word. I continue lay my head on the desk.

On evening...

Rouge let me back home and I went outside. I saw Shadow standing while smoking and I quickly get to him. "Hey!!" I shout.

Shadow look at me with his annoyed look. "What?" he asked. I look down. "Uh, I was thinking if we can...walk back home together." I said shyly.

He throw the cigarette and hold my hand. "Come... I'll send you back home." he said and start walking. I was surprised and my cheek blush red.

At Sonic's house...

We're standing in front of my house gate. I look at him. "Thanks, Shadow for sending me back home."

He look at me back. "Yeah... Anyway, it's dangerous for you to go back home alone." I nods slowly and open the gate.

"I will send you your timetable later. You must come early tomorrow." he said as he take out his phone. I nods. "Thanks, Shadow."

I went inside the house and close the door. I look outside from the window and saw him still standing there. I also see him take a picture of my house.

"Why he take a picture of my house?" I asked to myself. He finally left after that and I went to my room to get some rest.

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