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Sonic's POV

My paperwork is done and I go out to have some rest. Then, Infinite standing in front of me. "Hi, Sonic." he said. "Hi...Infinite." I said back as I waved my hand. "Say, why don't we eat together at the cafeteria?" he asked.

I look down a bit. "Um... Sure. Anyway, it's time for me to have some rest." I said shyly. He smile at me and he hold my hand. I surprised and my body shivers in a sudden.

"are you alright?" The jackal said. I nods slowly. "Yes.. I'm alright. Let's go to cafeteria now." I said and we start walking.

At the Cafeteria...

Me and Infinite eat together and I keep look away everytime he look at me. "Infinite, Where's Shadow?" I asked. He look at me. "Well, he has a work to do so, he want me to take you here." he said.

I nods and I hope Shadow's fine. He maybe need a rest too. I keep one bun for Shadow and I put it on my bag. Infinite saw me do that and I quickly hide my bag.

"Don't worry. Why you look very shy?" Infinite ask. I getting nervous. "Me!? N-nervous!?" I ask nervously. He nods. "I remember the day that Shadow tell me." he said.

I keep quiet and let him talking. I look at my food and I eat it while listening.

"Shadow did tell me about someone... Could it be you?" He said.

"Huh? Shadow talking about me and he tell you?" I asked.

He nods. "A long ago...before we met. He always telling me that you're so annoying and always beat him in a fight. You also talked a lot." He said.

"Well, why Shadow should tell you about  me?" I asked with a little bit annoyed.

"I don't know... He just talked like that. He tell me. Maybe he know someday we will meet." He look at me and smile.

Okay... I have an explanation to know...

Shadow and Infinite work at G.U.N together and Infinite work there for 2 years...

Infinite said that he was Shadow's co-workers...

Shadow talk about me to Infinite...

Does that mean...Shadow...and Infinite are...

Suddenly, Infinite wave his hands to me while I was thinking something in my mind just now. I quickly look at him. "Hmm?" I said.

"Are you alright?" He asked. I nods slowly and look down. "Infinite... I need to go back to my office and continue do my work. Thanks for bought me here." I said as I get up.

He nods. "Sure...and don't pushed yourself if you feel tired. You can continue tomorrow morning."

I walk to my office and these questions are flying inside my mind.

Is Infinite has any relationship with Shadow?

Why this thing even related to me?

What's the real truth is!?

As I arrived, I saw Shadow sit on my desk and hand me more paperwork. He look at me. "You go to cafeteria?" he asked. I nods. "Yeah... Infinite take me there to get some rest."

Shadow didn't smile at me and walked away from there. "What am I saying? Am I make him sad or something?" asked myself.

That's it... Something's wrong with both Shadow and infinite... It's like they're hiding something from me...

But, am I going to investigate about this? Should I even know?

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