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Sonic's POV

I stayed at home like Shadow said yesterday. I look outside the window and thinking about Shadow. Suddenly, someone knocking the door and I quickly get it.

I opened and I saw a red wolf. "Oh, Hi, Sonic. It's me, Rookie. Remember?" He said and I nods. "What are you doing here?" I asked. "I uh... Visit you." he said. I shrugged and let him in.

Rookie look around. "Wow. Your house is so beautiful." he said. I smiled. "Well, Thanks. Is Infinite know that you're here?" I asked, try to make sure Infinite not know Rookie was here.

The red wolf shake his head. "No, He didn't know." he reply. I walk to the kitchen. "Do you need anything? I can make you a tea." I said. "Yeah, anything!" Rookie shout and I get the tea ready.

Rookie's POV

I sit on the couch while waiting for the signal. "I don't wanna do this." I said to myself and sighed. Later, Sonic came with a tea on his hand and a biscuit. "Here, Rookie."

I nods. "Thanks." I drink the tea and eat the biscuits. "So, Rookie. I wanna ask you something." Sonic said. "Yeah, sure." I said and listening.

"While you're on your way here, did you see Shadow walk around the streets?" he asked. I shake my head. "No, I didn't see him." I lied.

I know where Shadow is and I'm not gonna let Sonic worried about it and fall into Infinite's trap. "Um, Sonic." I said. He look at me. "Yes, Rookie?" he said.

"You just stay here until night, right?" I asked. "Hmmm... I'm worried about Shadow now. He supposed to bought my paperwork here." Sonic getting worried.

I get up and walk towards him. He look at me. "What's wrong, Rookie?" he asked. I feel my body has been controlled by someone. I feel a phantom ruby controlling me but how?

"Rookie? Why your eyes turned red?" Sonic asked and I instantly hit him and make him unconscious. I pick him up and walk to Infinite's house.

At Infinite's house...
Shadow's POV

I opened my eyes and look around. It was dark and cold. "Where am I?" I asked myself and I saw a phantom ruby in front of me. "Infinite..." I said to myself.

I heard a laughing sound surrounding the dark room. I try to cover my ears but I've been tied up. "Where are you?!!! Show yourself!!!" I shout and growl at the same time.

It's useless... You can't run from me. I will rewind back the past.

I will not let you get away from me... It's time for you punishment.

Hahahaha.... Ahahahahaha....

I heard him talking to me. Now, I don't know what the hell is going on between me and Infinite's relationship. I just want to end this nightmare that Infinite has created.

I suddenly saw something inside the dark. "Hello, Shadow. It's good to see you again." Infinite said as he revealed himself from the dark with a blade on his hand. "You think you can run away from your past?" he said.

"Don't ever get near my blue hedgehog!!!" I growl aggressively. "Tch... Tch... Tch... Shadow, you know me... Don't you?" the jackal said.

"Shut up and just finished me already!!! I'm so fucking tired because of you!!!" I growl. "Oh, I thought you're so fucking tired because of Sonic." he laughed.

"SHADOW!!!" I suddenly heard Sonic's voice and I look around. There, Sonic has been thrown away from the dark and followed by Rookie, walking from behind. "Good boy." Infinite said.

I crawl to Sonic. "Sonic!! You okay!?" I asked. He wake up slowly and he looks. "Shadow... I'm fine!" he said and I nods.

Infinite take Sonic and throw him to the wall. "Stop hurting him!!!" I shout. "Why? Isn't he's the one who ruined our love relationship?"

I try to move but the rope tied me so tight. I look Sonic get up. "Sonic... Fight him!!" I try to make Sonic fight with Infinite. "I try..." Sonic said.

You can do it, Sonic...

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