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Shadow's POV

I visit Infinite's house for some talk. He sit on the couch and look at me with his angry stare. "Why do you come here, Shadow?" The jackal asked and he get up. I walk towards him and push him. He fall to the couch.

"What do you think you are? Doing that to my lover?" I growl. "Do what!? And you mean Sonic?" Infinite growl. I nods. "You almost rape him! He's my lover and not yours!" I mad at him.

The jackal get up and throw the phantom ruby to me. I look at it and it was attached in my chest. I try to get it out but I can't. "Seems I win this fight. I will take Sonic back from you and revenge for what you've done to me." Infinite said.

I coughed a bit and the phantom ruby almost control my body. "What are you...planning on Sonic?" I coughed. He stepped on my head and look at me.

"Such a pity... That you're not strong enough to fight me. The phantom ruby will control your body and... I will make yourself killed." He laughed with an evil smile.

I don't get it... Did Infinite plan this at the beginning?

I need to make Sonic safe... No matter what happened to me!!

I take out my chaos emerald and use a chaos control then I use a chaos spear at him at the same time. The jackal managed to dodge it easily.

He use his power to control the ruby on my chest and I fall to the ground.

Sonic's POV
At Sonic's house...

I was waiting for Shadow to come and hangout with me. It's seems something's wrong. He didn't even come for 5 minutes ago or maybe 10.

"Shadow... Where are you?" I asked myself. I went outside and look around. He's not coming yet. "If I were Shadow... Where the place should I go at the time like this, except my house." I said to myself.

Maybe... Shadow is with Infinite... No, it can't be...

Shadow must be in danger!!!

I get out and went to Infinite's house. I burst into the door and saw Infinite controlling Shadow on the floor with a phantom ruby on his chest.

"Shadow!!!" I yelled. Infinite look at me. "Well, well, well... Looks like your lover is coming to save you." he said like he's teasing us.

"Stop it, Infinite! Let Shadow go!!" I growl. He take out his blade and I fall to the ground. I was scared looking at his blade. It reminds me about what happened to me at the dark alley.

"No..." I whimpered in fear and I get up and ran to the kitchen. Infinite follow me from behind and I have been cornered. I saw a knife on my side and I take it. "Don't get near me!!! You fucking psycho!!" I growl aggressively.

Infinite laugh and he was about to stabbed me. Suddenly, Shadow push him away and wasn't in Infinite's control. "You okay, Sonic?" Shadow asked. Behind him, I can see Infinite was about to attack.

I throw the knife to him and hit its mask right on his left eye. Shadow hug me and close my eyes from seeing those terrible things happen to Infinite.

"Sonic..." Shadow look at me. "Hmm?" I said. "You...kill him?" he asked. "What?! No... I'm not. Did you see the knife was stabbed on his left eye?" I said.

Suddenly, the jackal get up and he gone into a small red cube. "What just happened!?" I scared. Shadow keep hugging me. "It was the clone of him." He said.

I whimpered in fear. "Then, where's the real Infinite go!?" I asked. "It doesn't matter now... Let's head back home." I look at Shadow's chest.

I take off the phantom ruby from his chest and he groaned in pain. "I'm sorry, Shadow." I said as I hush him. "It's okay... Thanks."

Shit... I need to end this nightmare... Infinite really haunting both of us...

Where's the real Infinite go? Why he wants to revenge Shadow?

I almost come to the conclusion of this mystery...

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