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Sonic's POV

I stayed at home today. Shadow just said he will send my paperwork to me so I can continue do my work at home. I wonder why. Is the G.U.N crowded again?

I look at my phone and saw Shadow send me a bunch of messages.

"Sonic... Are you at home?  I will come to you at any minute."

"You have a paperwork to do and don't worry, It's not that many."

"Hey, Can we have a date for today?"

"Sonic... You said that you want to tell me your questions, right? I'm sorry If I break my promise."

"Don't worry. You will ask me a question once I'm arrived at your house."

"Hey... Where are you? Why you become silent?"

"You... Saw this message?"




I sighed for a moment and there's a lot of questions I need to tell him. I'm such a jerk to him. Later, someone's knocking on the door and I quickly opened it. I saw Shadow holding my paperwork.

"did you see my messages Sonic?" he asked. I nods slowly. "Yeah... You send me a bunch of messages and stuff. You worried about me so much?" I asked.

Shadow put the paperwork on the table and sighed. "Yeah...anyway, you have to finished this paperwork by this evening. I will send them to the boss." He said.


I finally finished doing my paperwork and I look at Shadow. He was sleeping peacefully on the couch. I walk to him and pet his head slowly.

Should I love him?  What if he break the promise?

I never thought he would love me. He's my friend and my best rival in the world. Why he would love me?

You always calling me faker all the time and now, you call my real name. You sometimes calling me faker when you want to tease me.

I heard another knocking sound and I quickly opened it. I saw a black jackal standing in front of me. "Ah! How do you even know my house!?" I shout.

He suddenly cover my mouth. "sshh... You gonna make Shadow wake up! Listen, Shadow give me your address, remember?" he said. I nods.

"What are you doing here?" I whispered. He look at me with his death stare. He hold my hand and take me to the dark alley. I was tremble in fear as he hold the blade on his hand.

"What are you going to do to me!?" I asked nervously. "Don't you know what have you done?" he said. I shake my head. "What have I done to you!?" I shout. He plunged forward and pinned me on the wall.

"Don't act innocently! You have taken Shadow from me!!" he growl. "Huh? What do you mean?" I asked. "I love Shadow and not you. After you came to the G.U.N, he always look at you and spend his time with you! Not me..."

At that thought, I know there's something's wrong with Shadow and Infinite. They love each other before I came to Shadow and make Shadow love me.

"Listen, I don't know about this shit and Shadow love me not you!" I growl. He cut my cheek with his blade and I hissed at him. "That's hurt!!!"

"You better stay away from Shadow. If not, I will kill you today." he said with his dark voice and I try to shout Shadow's name. He then, stabbed me and throw me into the other wall.

I was on the ground, groaning in pain and hold my stomach hard. "I told you, I will kill you." I look at him and everything become blurry. I passed out.

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