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This story take place where Sonic didn't listen to what Shadow just said and just live with Infinite forever and become his slaves and die...

Sonic... The chaos emeralds. You can use them to bring me to life...

I heard that what Shadow just said but something's wrong with me. I kinda didn't listen to him. Infinite look at me and hold my cheek.

"You such a good boy." he said. "Infinite... I give up." I said and sighed.

After 2 years...

I screamed in pain as Infinite torture me more. "Infy... It's hurt!" I moaned. He didn't listen to me and start to stabbed me with his blade. I screamed in pain.

"I love when you scream, Sonic. So, cute." the jackal said. I cried in pain and look at him. "Shadow... Help me..." I whispered.

The jackal keep stabbing me until I make my last breath.

Sonic make his final breath and he died. Infinite being so crazy to him because he love him like Shadow and he hate Shadow on that time...

So, he make Sonic just like his tortured doll and torture him until he dead. I was going to make it bad end and Shadow live happily with Infinite and continue their love relationship...

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