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Sonic's POV

I still sleep at home, however, the sun rise and shines through my window and make my eyes twitched. I wake up and look at the clock on the small table. "Oh god!!! I will be late!!!" I shout.

Without thinking, I went to get my clothes changed and run towards the door. Then, my way have been blocked by...a black hedgehog!?

"oh, Shadow. I'm sorry that I'm late to work. I have a hard time sleeping last night. I also have a nightmare that make me faint!!" I explained then Shadow hold my hand.

"It's okay. You don't need to go work. The base is pretty busy." he said. I titled my head slowly. "You know that G.U.N base is always busy." I said.

Shadow shake his head. "I mean the base is full of soldiers." he said. "You mean crowded?" I asked. Shadow shrugged. "Yeah..."

"So, Sonic. I have a plan. I hope you like it." he said. I can see he look a bit shy. I nod. "Okay, Shadow. Where we go?" I asked. In a flash he teleport us to...his house.

At Shadow's house...

I look around then look at him. "What are we doing here?" I asked. He open the door and he went inside. I followed him.

"Make yourself at home." he said and I nods. "So, Shadow. Is there anything for me to do?" I asked. He shake his head.

"Huh? There must be something that I can do, right?" I said. He pull me in a sudden and hug me. I hug him back.

What's wrong with Shadow? Why he suddenly hug me?

"Sonic... Will you stay here for tonight?" Shadow asked. I look down. " I don't know, Shadow. But, why should I stay with you for tonight?" I asked.

He blushed and did not say any word. My heart start beating and I could hear it. Shadow look at me. "Please...Sonic. Will you do this to me?" Shadow asked again.

Why my heart beat start to beat faster and louder? Am I?

"Okay Shadow. Just for tonight." I said and he hug me tightly. "Thank you, faker." he said and that almost make me annoyed. He let me go and walk upstairs. "Follow me" he said.

I follow him and he show me an empty room. "This is where you sleep for tonight. Don't worry, I already clean everything here."

He's so nice... But what is my purpose for me to sleep on his house?

"Uh, Shadow. I have many questions to ask. Can we have a talk?" I asked. Shadow look away from me and I know that. "if you don't wanna have a tal-"

He quickly kiss me and I blush completely red. After a moment, he break the kiss. I keep staring at him for a moment. "W-What w-was that?" I asked nervously.

The black hedgehog blush too. "We will talk later." he said and walked away. I quickly get inside the room and rolled my body around.

Shadow... What was that? Why he's kissing me?

At night...

I slept on that evening and I heard someone knocked the door. "Sonic... Wake up. I have a food for your dinner." he said. I wake up and walk downstairs.

I look around and it was a bit different than in daytime. "Thanks, Shadow. I'm hungry" I mumbled. Shadow nods and he look at me while I'm eating.

"Sonic... We can talk now. You said you have a question to asked"

I look at him and make a faint blush. "Yeah... Don't mind if I asked many questions." he nods and waiting for my questions.

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