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Sonic's POV

In the next morning, I keep staring at the ceiling for a long time. I keep thinking about last night.

Yes... I have feelings for you

So, do you love me?

I don't know...but maybe one day

I get up and walk downstairs. I saw Shadow doing his paperwork. "Shadow..." I said and he turned around. "I'm glad you awake, Sonic." he said.

I sit beside him and look at the paperwork. "you busy for today?" I asked. He smiled and nods. "I'm sorry if I didn't spend much time with you." he said. I shake my head. "It's okay."

I keep looking at the paperwork until Shadow spoke to me. "Sonic, can you make me a coffee?" he asked. I nods and went to the kitchen make a coffee.

After some time, I came with a glass of coffee. "here, Shadow." I said before I put on the table not near his paperwork. He look at me and smiled. "Thanks."

I keep quiet and he look at me for being quiet. " usually talking with me even I do my paperwork. Why you suddenly keep quiet?" he asked. "Uh, What!?" I said.

You usually talking with me...

Why you suddenly keep quiet?

I look down a bit. "Well, I don't know why I keep quiet at this time." I said as I don't even know why I keep quiet right now. I usually talking something nonsense with him.

On Afternoon...

I went out and saw a beautiful garden full of flowers. Shadow came and hold my shoulder. "You can look around my garden. Rouge helping me with those flowers." he said.

I look at him. "Shadow... I was thinking, how long am I going to stay here?" I asked. "You want to go back to your house? I can send you back home." he said.

I can send you back home...

I feel something's not right with those word he always said to me when he want to send me back home. I guess he really want me to stay here with him. I need to tell him why. "Shadow..." I said. The black hedgehog look at me. "Can I ask...a question?" I asked. He nods.

"Why you want me to stay here? You said I might not know why you keeping me and let me stay in your house."

"Well, I feel alone here. No one's ever come to my house and spend my time with me."

I smiled at him and hold his shoulder. "It's because you being an...emo or something and that what makes them scared to be friend with you."

He look down and quickly hug me. "You make my dream come true. Someone make a promise to me." I hug him back. "You mean... Maria?" I asked.

He quickly look at me with his...shocked face. "That's... How do you know?" He asked confused. "Remember the day you talking about someone's promise?" I said and having a flashback.

Shadow... Why you suddenly stop attacking the G.U.N?

I had a promise to someone. Her promise is the only one that I think it's precious to me.

What's her promise?

I must protect the world and be nice to all the humans in this world. That's her promise. She really love to see this beautiful world someday.

It's hard for her to live here, right?

I don't know... She has an unknown disease that I didn't know. Professor never tell me about that.

Then, you decide to protect humans and be nice to them?

Yes, for Maria's sake. I do this for her. She also want me to have some friends. But, it seems that I don't get along with you guys.

Shadow... you have me. I can be with you as long as you feel happy

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