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Sonic's POV

I clinched my fist and take a deep breath. He look at me as he wait for the question. I look a bit down and start asking the question.

"One, why do I have to work at G.U.N? you said that I take Rouge's place but... When I think twice, Rouge didn't even said that to me."

"Two, why you suddenly hug me, kiss me and blush everytime I talking to you? That's not what the real Shadow that I know. Hehe..."

"lastly, why do I have to stayed at your house for tonight? Do you have feelings for me?" I asked too many questions.

Shadow just look at me and sighed softly. "Sonic..." he said and I thought he always calling me faker. "Yes?" I said. "I will answer your question."

"One, I told Rouge to take you to the G.U.N. She work with someone else but not with the G.U.N soldiers. It's my order"

"Two, yes, I always blush everytime I look at you, touch you and also hear your beautiful voice. Also, I like your smile. It makes me feel better."


"Wait, three?" I interrupt him.

"Yes, Three, you might not know what I'm planning on keeping you staying at my house for tonight." he smirked at me.

"Lastly, yes... I do have feelings for you." That word, make my heart stopped beating and I feel nervous a little.

I look down and I rub my both hands. "So, me!?" I said and quickly shut my mouth. He look down too. "I don't know... But maybe one day." he smile.

Suddenly, I remember the day that Shadow take a picture of my house. "Shadow... May I asking one more question? Why you take a picture of my house on that day?"

"Well, I just wanna know where you live. I also take a picture of your home address too." he said.

I smile at him and hold his hand. "Shadow... Why don't you just tell me?" I chuckled softly. He blushed at that. "You're cute when you chuckled like that." he said.

I stop chuckled and make a faint blush. I look at the clock on the wall and I quickly get up. "I...better get some sleep." I said. Shadow quickly grab my hand. I look at him.

"Goodnight, Sonic. Don't worry, I'll send you back home tomorrow." he winked and kiss me. I walk to the empty room and lay on the bed, ready to fall asleep.

Shadow's POV

I was happy to have a talk with faker...even I have to said Sonic and not faker. I look around before I walked into my room. I pass by Sonic's room and I decided to check on him.

He was sleeping peacefully and I smile at that. I close the door and went to my room, lay on the bed and fall asleep.

Why do I have to stayed in your house for tonight?

Do you have feelings for me?

You might not know what I'm planning on keeping you staying at my house for tonight

And yes, I do have feelings for you love me!?

I don't know... But maybe one day

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