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Sonic's POV

I stayed at home today and my phone ringing all the time. I look at it and Shadow was try to call me. He even send me a message.

"Sonic... You at home? I'm sorry what just happened yesterday. Can we have a talk?"

"Please... Sonic, I know you mad at me. Just give me a chance."

"If you didn't response, I will go to your house and see what you're doing."

"See you...and love you."

I sighed and get up. I went to my desk and take a piece of paper and a pencil. I wrote a letter for Rouge.

Dear Rouge,

Please tell the soldiers that I'm no longer work there because of a reason that I couldn't tell.

Please send this letter for evidence that I stop work there.

                                                                   From, Sonic

I went out to the base to give Rouge this letter. Once I'm arrived at the G.U.N, one soldier told me that Rouge has left to do her mission. I nods and walk back home.

On my way, I saw Shadow and he quickly run to me. I was about to run away but he managed to catch me. He saw the paper on my hand and quickly take it. I look down.

"Shadow... You don't need to-" Shadow put his hand on my mouth and I look at him. "No, I will not let you do this." Shadow said. "H-Huh? But, Shadow..." I said.

I'm getting worried and nervous all the time. I always thinking about Infinite and not him. "Shadow, leave me alone." I said and he take me to the dark alley and 'kabedon' me.

*You know what 'Kabedon'mean is already*

I stunned as I look at him. His red ruby eyes hypnotized me. I can't stop looking at his charming eyes. "Shadow... Why you suddenly do this?" I asked.


Shadow look at him but he didn't answer his question and he start to seduce him. "I know you feel stress for today. Now I'm gonna give you some pleasure." Shadow whispered.

"Wait, What!?" Sonic shout but he already fall into Shadow's seduction. He moaned softly and Shadow kiss him. Sonic couldn't resist Shadow's kiss as he put his tongue into his mouth.

Shadow moaned too and he pick Sonic up to get more pleasure. Sonic push him away slowly and he look at him. "Let's do this in my house." Sonic moaned. Shadow nods and they teleport back home.

At Sonic's house...

Sonic was on his room and Shadow is following him. He locked the door and quickly pinned Sonic into the bed. The blue hedgehog shocked about that.

"Sonic... I'm going to make you mine and you don't have to worried about Infinite again." Shadow said.

Sonic shake his head but on his mind he really wants Shadow do that to him. "I guess you don't have to do that." Sonic whispered.

Shadow bite his neck and Sonic moaned in pleasure. The black hedgehog take off Sonic's clothes including his clothes. Sonic quickly cover himself using the blanket. Sonic blush a little.

"Why you cover yourself, baby?" Shadow said as he slowly get inside the blanket. "Shadow?" Sonic said. Inside the blanket, Shadow was licking his lower area.

Sonic squeaked cutely as he try to push Shadow's head away from him. "No, Shadow. Please..." Sonic moaned. Shadow begin to swallowed his member and start to move his head up and down.

Sonic moaned loudly at that and he struggles with Shadow. "I'm gonna cum~" Sonic moaned and he cums inside Shadow's mouth.

Shadow smirks at him inside the blanket and he popped his head out. "I think you ready for this one." he said as he still smirking. "Huh? R-Ready for what?" Sonic asked.

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