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Shadow's POV

I walk to the counter to send my paperwork then suddenly I saw Rouge walk towards me. "Here, Shadow. Someone put this on your desk." She said as she give me a letter.

"Do you know who's letter is this?" I asked because there's no name on that letter. "No, I'm sorry. I just found that a while ago." she said. "Why I didn't even notice that?" I asked myself.

Rouge shrugged and give me another paperwork. "The boss said this paperwork must be finished today. So, you have a late night work." Rouge said.

I look at the paperwork and it was many than I thought. I take all the paperwork and went to my office. I saw Sonic sleeping on his desk as usual and I take a look at him.

His ears twitched a bit and he groaned softly. "Sh-Shadow~" Sonic said and I instantly blush at that. I look at the letter and thought. "Maybe Sonic send me this letter but I didn't even realize it."

I sit on my desk and open the envelope. I saw Infinite's mark on the paper. "Infinite?" I whispered. I read the paper.

Dear Shadow,

"I would like to talk to you after work. I wanna send this message using my phone phone is dead. (means no power left)

We meet in a usual place we first met. Come before 7 pm."

I throw the paper to the trash and make Sonic wake up. He look at me with his sleepy face and look away from me. I get up and make him surprised from his seat.

"Why you suddenly scared of me?" I asked. Sonic keep quiet until I walk towards him and he start to hissed at me. "Sonic... What's wrong?" I asked.

"What's wrong!? You're the one who got wrong!!" He growl. "But, what have I done?" I asked. "You didn't smile at me after I said about Infinite." He said.

I hold his hand gently and slowly. He calm down and look at me. "Shadow..." he mumbled. "Yes, Sonic?" I said.

Sonic's POV

"Shadow..." I mumbled. "Yes, Sonic?" he said as he slowly pet my head. "I have many questions to tell you." I said weakly. He look down for a second and he look back at me. I can see he feel nervous about that.

"Sonic... We will talk after my work has done." he said and I look at his desk with a mountain of paperwork. I nod slightly. "Okay, Shadow." I said while yawning.

At evening...

I wait Shadow at the gate while holding his bun that I save for him to eat. I saw him walking towards me. "Shadow... You maybe hungry, so, I give you this bun." I said as I hand him the bun.

He smiled and take it. "Thanks Sonic." He said and I smile at him back. We walk back home and as usual he will send me back home first. We separated each other and I walk inside my house.

Shadow's POV

I went to the place where Infinite said and I saw him standing. I came towards him. "You late." The jackal said and I rolled my eyes. "I send Sonic back home..." I said.

He look at me with his death stare. "He can go back home by himself. Why you really care about him? Do you love him that much?" Infinite said.

Shadow... Do you really have feelings on me?

Yes... Maybe someday or one day I will love you.


Promise... I will give you some time...

I suddenly heard that word in my head and I don't want Infinite know about that. "Shadow... The point for us be here is... I wanna love you back."

I look at him with my serious face. "You serious!? We break up a long time ago and you want me back!? It's useless, Infinite." I growl at him. He suddenly 'kabedon'at me. I surprised.

*'Kabedon' is refers to the action of slapping a wall fiercely, which produces the sound "don". One meaning is the action of slapping the wall as a protest*

"If you fight me, I'm sure you will regret." Infinite stare at me. "Why should I feel regret? I always feel regret." I growl and try to fight him.

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