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Sonic's POV

It was raining heavily outside and I sleep on my bed. The thunder kills me and I quickly get out from the bed. I walk down and everything looks very scary.

"Shadow..." I mumbled. I look around and saw a phantom ruby on the table with the small paper. I read it.

Sonic... Why you do this to me? Why? I thought you love me...

You're so ______________
Is that what you do when I love you?

You have _______ me right now. If you want to meet ______, just go to the bathroom.

Sonic... Sonic... Son...

The other word has been covered in blood. I quickly went to the bathroom and heard the door opened. "S-Shadow?" I said as I trembled in fear.

I heard someone call my name and I quickly get to the bathroom door. I push it slowly and saw... Shadow.

"SHADOW!!!!" I screamed.


Shadow was hanging on the ceiling with a rope on his neck. He has terrifying face and there's blood on his both hands. Sonic was shocked in fear as he shout Shadow's name.

"Shadow... Why?" he asked himself as he kneeled down. "WHY!!!!" he cried and the poor blue hedgehog crying.

"" Shadow suddenly spoke Sonic's name and the blue hedgehog look at Shadow. "Shadow!? You still alive!?" he asked but no response.

Suddenly, a footsteps coming towards Sonic and it was Infinite holding a phantom ruby on his hands. "Infinite!! You kill Shadow, don't you!!!" Sonic shout.

"Well, why don't you take a look at this ruby and tell me what you see." The jackal said as Sonic take a closer look at the ruby.

The ruby show some place and it was in the bathroom. Shadow was choking to death in there while there's someone pull him down to make him die.

The last word that Shadow said was "Sonic... Please... I love you... Why you do th-" Sonic heard that and he saw the murderer. "It!?" He said. He throw the ruby on the floor.

Infinite take out his blade and point it at Sonic. "You're next, Sonic!" The jackal plunged towards him and was about to stabbed him.

In a real world...
Sonic's POV

"Aaahhhh!!!" I screamed and look around. Shadow rushed into my bed. "What happened!?" he asked. I look at Shadow and hug him.

"I have a nightmare!!!" I said as I trembling while hugging him. Shadow look at me. "That's okay, I'm here..." he said. I nods and look around.

"Shadow... I wanna know where Infinite is." I said. "Why?" Shadow asked. "Because, I wanna kill him. He will kill us!!" I shout. Shadow pet my head.

"You don't need to do that. Infinite will never get near us." Shadow said. "But, what happened it will happen?!!!" I protest.

I don't wanna kill Shadow... What if the dream would be true?

Infinite... I must destroy phantom ruby as many as I can to save both of us.

I must...

"Sonic..." Shadow said and I look at him. "Hmm?" I said. "I don't think you can kill Infinite." Shadow said as he look a little bit worried.

"Don't worry Shadow. Everything's going to be alright. I will find him and kill him and end this nightmare!!"

I don't know what's going on but I have to end this. Now, Infinite haunting me and not only Shadow...

Why this is supposed to happened?

"Shadow... You will stay with me, right?" I asked. He smile and nod. "I will, Sonic. Don't worry." I smiled at him back and hug him tightly.

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