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Shadow's POV

I look around at the city after I realized that Sonic was gone. In my thought, he maybe walk around in the city to relaxing his mind. I became worried about him. I walk pass the dark alley and I saw someone laying down on the ground.

I walk towards the person and saw Sonic covered in blood. I quickly hold on to him. "Sonic!!! Oh god! You have so many blood coming out from your stomach!" I yelled. "Hey, Hey, wake up!!!" I shout as I shake his body.

I teleport to the hospital and wait him for a an hours. Later, the doctor came for the results. "Your friend is safe. You can visit him now." he said. "Thank you..."

I walk to the room and saw him laying on the hospital bed. "You okay?" I asked. He slowly look at me and nods. "I was scared, Shadow..." he said.

"Tell me, what's going on and what happened to you!?" I asked. He draw something which is look like Infinite symbol. "huh? Infinite, did that to you!?" I said. He nods slowly.

"But, why!? Wait... Is he going to revenge on me?" I said. He look at me with his serious looking face. "Shadow... I have so many questions in my head."

"Oh, yeah. You said you want to ask your questions to me. Okay, I'm listening." I said as I sit on the chair next to his bed.

"One, what's your relationship between you and Infinite? He said he love you before you love me."

"Two, How long did you both love each other? Why I didn't even know about this!?" Sonic growl.

"Three, do you still love me? Because, you have Infinite and in my thought, you love him more than me."

"Four, what's going on with you both? I need to know everything!!! I mean everything about you and Infinite."

I sighed for a moment and he really ask me a lot of questions than before. I hold his hand slowly. "Sonic... Save me." I whispered. "huh? S-Save you? From what?" He asked.

"save me from Infinite..." I said. "Shadow, answer my questions!" he growl at me and I become scared at him. "Okay... I'll answer your questions.

"One, Infinite fall in love with me after he became my co-workers at G.U.N."

"Two, we love each other for a couple of months, then suddenly, I break up with him because I was thinking about you while we're fighting each other."

"Three, I still love you. That's why I need you to save me from Infinite. He's haunting me right now!"

"Four, You need to wait for that. I really wanna know more why Infinite do this to me." I said.

Sonic quickly hug me and hold me tight. "I don't wanna lose you. I will protect you from Infinite." he cried and I feel my shoulder is wet because of his tears.

I look at him. "That's okay, Sonic. As long as you stay with me, everything's gonna be alright." I said and form a weak smile.

Sonic's POV

I saw him smiling at me and he was so cute. I smile at him back. "You really are the cutest lifeform in the world." I said like I tease him.

"you too... You're the cutest thing alive." I hug him after he say that. "We both cute." I giggled.

At night, the doctor give me a permission to go back home and Shadow send me back home. He lay me on my bed and I quickly hold his hand before he leaves.

"Stay with me..." I begged. He nods. "Just wait here while I make sure the house is safe." he said and walk away. I smile at that and falls asleep.

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