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Sonic's POV

I get up slowly and plunged forward Infinite. Both of us fall to the floor as we struggle. I saw his blade on his hand and I try to take it.

Infinite kick me away and pinned me down. "Don't you dare to fight me, Sonic." Infinite said as he put his blade on my cheeks. I close my eyes and ready for his attack.

Somehow Shadow got escaped from the rope and he push Infinite away. I look at Rookie who is letting Shadow free. "Thanks, Rookie." I said. Rookie nods and smiled.

I went to Shadow and it seems both of them struggling. "Shadow!! I will help you!!" I shout as I make myself in a spindash mode and I plunged forward to Infinite again.

Shadow saw me and he teleport away and I finally hit Infinite with my spindash. I took a step back and Shadow hug me. "Sonic... Thank goodness you're safe." Shadow said.

I nods and looks. "Shadow. Let's go now." I said. Shadow hold me and he walk toward Infinite's blade. "What are you doing?" I asked. He look at Infinite.

I quickly hold him to not kill him. "Shadow no!!" I shout. The black hedgehog look at me. "Sonic... Why you're stopping me!?" he growl.

"Please... Just let him like that." I said. "What is wrong with you!? You said you wanna kill him and now you want to protect him!?" he shout. I pinned my ears down and look away.

"You know how long we've been waiting for this!? It's hard you know... You don't even feel what I feel right now!!"

"ENOUGH, SHADOW!!!" I growl aggressively as my body turned to black. "I know how you feel you asshole!!! I wanna do the same thing but I got this feelings that I wanna make Infinite stay alive!!"

I look away from him as I crossed my arms. "Fine!!! You do whatever you want with this jackal because I'm so fucking tired with all those things!!!" he mad at me and teleport away.

I turned around and look at Infinite. Rookie walk towards me and hold my shoulder. "Sonic..." he said. "It's okay, Rookie. It's not your fault anyway." I said as I cry. "Shadow..." I mumbled.

I ran away from the dark room and went to the living room. Rookie bought Infinite from there and lay him on the couch. I looks.

"Sonic, can you stay here for a while? I wanna take a bandages." Rookie said. I nods and sit beside Infinite.

I hold Infinite's hand and suddenly the time stopped. I look around and getting nervous. Suddenly, Infinite chocking me and both of us fall to the floor.

"You should kill me before I kill you, Sonic!!! You such a bad boy and I'm impressed. Now, Shadow hate you forever like he hate me..." Infinite said as he laughed.

I cry and throw Infinite to the wall and kick his face hard. The time has come back to normal and I saw Rookie holding a bandage and he look at me.

"Sonic... You kill Infinite!!?" He said. I slowly look down and I saw Infinite's head has been smashed into pieces like a watermelon. I ran away from there and walk back home.

What have I done?

I'm such a monster...

First, I mad at Shadow and now he hate me and... I kill Infinite...

I can't forget what have I done to him...

What should I do now?

Shadow... Help me...

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