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Sonic's POV

I wake up and look around. "What is this place?" I asked myself. "this is not my house. What happened last night?" I asked again. I get up and walk around. "This house seems so big.

"Good morning, Master." I heard someone said that to me then I turned my head on the left. I saw a wolf dress in maid. "Ahh!" I shocked. "Oh, I'm sorry if I make you shocked." he said.

"Rookie..." I heard another sound and turned my head to the right. "Ahh! Infinite... "I shocked. He came towards me and pet my head. "It's okay... Anyway, this is my house." he said.

I hold his hand. "But, I thought you send me back home." I thought. He smile at me. "I think I'm lost. That's why I take you here instead." he explained. I'm getting nervous with him.

I look down a bit and he lift up my chin, make me look at him. "You go and take a bath. You wake up so early." he said and walk away, together with the red wolf.

"Oh, My name is Rookie the wolf. I'm Infinite's favourite servant." he said. I nod and smile at him. "both of you are so cute together. I like it." I said. Rookie make a faint blush and they continue to walk away.


Rookie calling me after I take a bath and he give me a pancakes for breakfast. "Wow...thanks, Rookie. This pancakes looks delicious!!" I said and start eating. "mmm! Amazing!!"

Rookie smile at me. "That's good." he said. Then, Infinite came and sit in front of me. "how's the pancakes?" he asked. I nods happily. "Amazing!! I never know that Rookie is good at cooking."

After breakfast, me and Infinite walking together to the G.U.N. He hold many paperwork on his hand. "You look busy today, Infinite." I asked as I look at those paperwork.

He smiled. "Nah, It's not a big deal." he replied. Later, We arrived at the G.U.N. Me and him separate and I walk into my office. I saw Rouge sit on my desk.

"Oh, Rouge. More paperwork for me?" I asked. She shakes her head and maybe something's wrong is happen. "Shadow... He wants you to meet him at the meeting room." she said.

I gulped a little and I told her where's the meeting room. Within a minute, I saw Shadow sit at the end of the long table. "Hey, Shadow. Is there something wrong?" I asked nervously.

"Sit here besides me." He said with a dark voice. I nervously sit beside him and rub my hands. "Where did you go last night?" He asked. I look down. "I go to Infinite's house." I whispered.

"What?" he said. "I go to Infinite's house. He try to send me back home last night but we got lost. So, he decided to take me back to his home." I explained.

Shadow sighed softly. "I try to call you last night, but you didn't answer my call. I thought something bad happened to you." he said with a bit worried. He get up and hug me tight.

"Shadow..." I said as I slowly hug him back.

He really worried about me so much...

"Don't ever make me worried again! I'm afraid if I lost you!" he growl a bit. I almost cry and I look at him. "I'm sorry. I promise, I won't do that again." I said.

He released me. "You go back to your office and finished your work. This evening, I will send you back home." he walk away and I walk to my office back.

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