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Sonic's POV

On the next day, I wake up as usual and I walk to the G.U.N base. The soldiers were very busy as I walk in. I look for the office then I saw Shadow talking with the other soldier at the counter. I walk towards him.

"Shadow..." I said as I poke his back softly. He turned around and look at me.

"What is it faker? I have something to do so you better tell me quick." he said.

"I...uh. I was trying to find my office. I kinda lost." I asked. He then point his finger to the left. "There..." he said. I nod and walked away.

As usual, I do all the paperwork that Rouge has given to me. I take my pen and start writing.

Shadow's POV

After I talked with the soldiers, I look at Sonic. He's doing a great job there. Then, Rouge walk towards me with the G.U.N documents on her hand.

"Here, Shadow. You will do a paperwork too but not many as Sonic." she said. I take the paperwork from her and walk towards my office.

Sonic look at me as I walk in. "Hey, Shadow. You got a paperwork too?" he asked me. I sighed a bit. "Yes, Sonic. Stop talking and do your work." I said.

Sonic nods. "Okay, Shadow. I will finished this paperwork fast." he said.

At Evening...

I finally finished my paperwork then I look at Sonic sleeping on his desk. I sighed and take the other paperwork from him. I take a look what he has done.

"Hmm... Not bad. I guess Rouge was right after all." I said to myself. I look at the cute blue hedgehog and stroke his quils. He groaned.

"Shadow?" he mumbled. "Get up. You can go back home and get some rest. No worries, I will send you back home again." I said before I walked away.

Sonic's POV

I yawn a bit as I waiting for Shadow outside the base. I hug myself because it's too cold outside. I turned around and saw him smoking.

"Shadow... Are you going to send me back home?" I asked as I really heard what Shadow said.

He nods slowly and I blush again. I look down and I shivered a bit. Suddenly, something covered me and I saw Shadow's jacket. "Wear that. I know it's a bit cold out here." he said.

I nods and hug myself with the jacket. I feel better and warm now. "Thanks, Shadow." I said.

I don't know why this is happen to me. Why I has been given a job at G.U.N in the first place?

"Let's go..." Shadow said as he throw away the cigarette and pull me in a sudden. I look at him. "Shadow... Can you please tell me why Rouge give me a job at G.U.N?" I asked.

Shadow said nothing but a sound of his groaned. "Well... I'm sorry if I asking that question." I said. His ears twitched and he pull me in front of me.

I look at him and blush. "She need someone to change her place. That's all." he said. I nods and smile. "Well, I can help her doing those paperwork."

Shadow smile and we're continue walking until we're arrived at my house. "Goodnight, Shadow." I said before I open the gate. "Goodnight, faker." he said.

I will do my best to help Rouge on her workplace. Tee hee...

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