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Sonic's POV
At G.U.N base...

I stay at my office, doing my paperwork and sleeping. "Sonic... Sonic..." I heard someone calling my name and I quickly get up. I saw a black jackal staring at me. "In...Infinite!?" I shocked but I didn't scream or yelling.

"Did you get my beautiful present that I give it to you?" he asked. I look away from him and not even look at his face. "Go away..." I growl softly. He walk to the door and locked it.

I quickly get up. "What is wrong with you!?" I shout. Infinite laugh at me. "Do you think you could take Shadow from me? How about I become your lover and not him?" He said.

I shake my head. "No... Shadow loves me. Why should I love you if I have Shadow!?" I shout aggressively. He pinned me down to the floor and bite my neck. I moaning softly at it.

"I guess you have fallen into my seduction" The jackal moaning. I look at him and growl a bit. I begged for him to let me go but my body seems paralyzed.

He almost unbuttons my pants and I quickly push him away. "What the fuck are you doing!?" I trembling as I shout. "You will love me one day and not Shadow." he said.

I quickly button my pants and look at him. "Look, I already have Shadow and I know what's going on between both of you. You and Shadow loved each other long time ago." I stopped for a while.

"Then suddenly, you and Shadow break up for some reason that I don't know. But, I know Shadow break up with you because of me."

"Rouge bought me here because it was Shadow's plan. He planning to bought me here so he can easily face to face and he could confess his feelings to me."

"Shadow take me stayed in his house is because he wants to keep in touch with me. He maybe worried about me so much... Ah... I don't know..."

"But, I don't know about why Shadow introduced you to me even he's hate you."

"You wanna know my secret?" the jackal asked and I look at him. "Huh? What secret?" I said.

He take out his phantom ruby. "I can control people using this ruby and-" I cut his word. "You don't need to explain that to me. I know about that!!" I growl.

"Well... Then, I should control you." he said and begin to attack me. "Noooo!!!" I screamed and Shadow burst into the room. "Shadow!!!" I shout and quickly hug him.

Shadow look at Infinite with his death glare. "What have you done to Sonic?" Shadow growl. "Nothing... I was keeping Sonic's safe here. I will go out immediately." Infinite lying to him and walk away.

"You okay?" he asked. I nods slowly and tell him that Infinite almost rape me. "It's okay, everything's alright. You did a good job." he said. I look at him. "What do you mean?" I said.

"You screamed my name and I finally came to save you. You such a cute hedgehog when you scream my name like that." he said and I know he wanna make me feel better.

"Thanks... Shadow." I said before I hug him and we cuddling each other.

Infinite can control people using his phantom ruby... I never thought about that

If there's something happened to us, I will protect us... This time...

Shadow... You're the only one who can make me brave and all everything.

You're everything to me...

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