Chapter 1: How Many Ways

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I never knew love like this before...

8 months earlier

The car came to stop as the two looked up at their brand new house. Toni faced Kenny and grinned excitedly.

"Come on." Kenny chuckled at her excitement watching how she got out before he followed soon after.

She walked up to the 'for sale' sign and removed it from the stand, she squashed it up walking over to the trashcan as Kenny slipped his hands into his pockets looking up at their home.

"Kenny!" She scolded.

He glanced over at her and bit his lip shutting the car door walking up to her. She smiled as he pulled the house key out of his pocket and pushed the glass door open.

"This is so exciting!" She squealed clapping her hands together.

He stepped to the side and and smirked at her.

"Ladies first." He said, "why thank you baby." She smiled walking in immediately recieving a smack to her behind.

She giggled before taking in the empty space before them. Kenny stared at her as she smiled walking in further gracing her fingertips along the extremely white walls.

"You look beautiful." Kenny said followed by the echo.

"Thank you." She responded.

She stopped before the staircase and looked up. He watched her intently squinting his eyes at her.

"What's wrong?" He raised his eyebrows walking up to her.

"I- I don't know." She stuttered facing him, he frowned, "when I looked up it felt as if something was about to happen to me." She said.

"But in any case, it's nothing." She shrugged it off.

"You wanna go see our bedroom?" Toni raised her eyebrows curiously.

"The bedroom where we'll be making our babies?" Kenny smirked.

"Who said we only had to make them in our bedroom?" She teased with a smirk before she run up the stairs with him following soon after.

Once they reached the top she felt him swamp her up into his arms, bridal style. He carried her into the master bedroom freezing in his tracks as he put her down staring at the large mirror in front of them.

"Whoa... that's a lot of... that." Toni chuckled taking it in as well, "and there's more on the ceiling..." She trailed off once she looked up causing him to look up as well.

"Okay now that I can work with." He licked his lips as a bunch of dirty thoughts filled his head.

She smacked his arm and chuckled.

"You're so..." She trailed off whilst she shook her head before she headed for the bathroom.

Kenny walked over to the balcony doors and turned the handles opening up the large glass doors stepping out onto the balcony, he smiled at the sight as he slid his hands into his pockets looking down at their infinity pool below. He soon felt arms wrap around him and a kiss get placed against his cheek.

"I can definitely see us starting a family here." She said resting her chin down on his shoulder.

"Speaking of starting a family." He smirked turning around to face her. "How about we go test out those mirrors." He smirked raising his eyebrows deviously.

She laughed lightly, "our furniture will be here soon-"

"They don't get here until 4, it's 2." He smiled taking her hands into his pulling her against him.

She bit her lip before she cupped his face and kissed his lips.

"Okay." She softly replied.

Toni tied her blouse watching as Kenny pulled up his pants before he zipped it up. She tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear as she looked around in search of her underwear.

"What you looking for?" Kenny questioned tucking his shirt into his pants.

She bit her lip in confusion, "my underwear." She said causing him to laugh.

She looked up at him raising her eyebrows at him sternly and he immediately straightened his face.

"I'll help you find it." He said just as a horn was heard outside. "Those are the movers." He announced.

"Gotta go!" He quickly said before he rushed out the bedroom.

"And my tho-" Toni cut herself off shaking her head as she began to search for her underwear.

Kenny jogged up to the movers who began to unload their furniture, he smiled as one of them approached him with a notepad in hand.

"Mr Edmonds," he said looking up at the house in front of him. "Yes."

"Would you please sign here, here and here." He said pointing to all the places Kenny had to sign.

Kenny looked at his hands realizing he didn't wash them, he wiped them down on his pants since they were places they probably shouldn't have been. He took the pen and notepad from the man and signed where he was told to before he handed it back to the man.

"Thank you." The man smiled with a simple nod before he walked up to the rest of his guys to help unload.

Toni came walking out up to Kenny looping her arm into his.

"Thank you for leaving me to get dressed by myself even though you were the one that undressed me." Toni mumbled.

Kenny chuckled looking down at her just as her eyes widened at the view ahead of her.

"Are those the velvet dining chairs I ordered?" She asked immediately letting go of Kenny's arm walking towards the chairs, "yes ma'am."

"Why are they navy blue? They're suppose to be black." Toni sighed facing Kenny, "Ken!" She frowned pointing at them with pouted lips.

"I'll call the manager." He stated, the men looked on confused before Kenny nodded his head towards the house indicating they take it inside.

He walked up to her and pulled her into a hug.

"I'm so sad now... I was looking forward to those- now the dining table won't have chairs for another 4 weeks." She spoke in annoyance.

"It's okay... calm down, I'll personally head over to Jerome's furniture okay." He assured pecking her forehead.

She nodded with a small smile.

"Come on." He took her hand into his and led her inside, "the faster these guys finish the more time we have to make love." He whispered.

She smacked his arm and laughed.

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