Epilogue: All Night

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They say true love is the greatest weapon to win a war caused by pain...

Kenny shut the engine to his mustang before looking up at their marble beach house. He pulled the key out of the ignition and got out. He closed the door resting against it with his front facing the house. He slid his hands into his pockets taking a deep breathe.

"I hope you're here." He mumbled to himself before he finally got the courage to walk up to the door.

He pushed the door open walking in, shutting the door behind him. He walked in further and silence was all there could be heard.

"Toni!" He called searching around the first floor. "Toni!" He called again, no answer.

He looked from the staircase and than up before he let out a breathe and finally went up the stairs. He noticed that every single door was wide open except one.

"It's Thursday, May 21st." Toni said once he walked in.

She had a bunch of pictures and some baby boots along with a blue onesie laid out on the king sized bed she had been seated on.

"I know." He said stopping in his tracks.

"But do you know what that means?" She asked looking up at him.

He licked his bottom lip immediately dropping his head afraid to answer her question.

"Theo was suppose to be born today." She said before letting out a deep breathe, "Toni-"

"Its okay." She quickly said.

He looked up at her and frowned before he walked up to her.

"May I?" He asked referring to the bed, "yes." She nodded as he sat down.

"I like to come here and just imagine how different our lives would've been if he was here, in our arms." She said staring at the sonogram in her hand.

Kenny quickly wiped away the tear that escaped his eye.

"Do you ever think about that?" She asked looking over at him.

"Not a day goes by where I don't think about the what if's. What we could've been... What I could've done to save the both of you, I should've been the one to die-"

"No." She quickly said grabbing his hand, "it would've saved our love a lot. Maybe you wouldn't hate me as much as you do now." Kenny said looking her dead in the eyes.

"I don't hate you. I was just- I am still angry, but at myself. I thought if I blamed you it would make me feel better, but it didn't. Our arguments made it worse. I love you so much." She said with tears at the brim of her eyes.

"I didn't have empathy for you, I was so caught up in the moment, I let my anger and sadness take over me. I had not realised that you were suffering a loss too, you were grieving as well. I only thought of myself. I'm sorry." The tears slipped down her cheeks as Kenny got off the bed and kneeled down before her.

"It took me all this time to understand what you went through making that big decision. You made the right choice." She nodded, he grabbed her hands and kissed her palms.

"I love you too." He said. "We'll get through this together." He said, she smiled as the tears ran down her cheeks.

"I missed us." She whispered as she pulled him into a hug.

The End

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