Chapter 19: Alive

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It's simple when it's right...

Toni reached her hand out to Kenny smiling at his presence as he smiled back weakly.

"Come in." She said as she took his hand into hers, "how are you feeling?" Kenny asked looking between her and the nurse.

"I'm okay. I feel different though." She frowned looking down at her belly, Kenny swallowed his saliva following her gaze.

"Is it because of the whole bab-"

"Mr Edmonds may I please have a word with you outside?" The nurse quickly interrupted.

"Yeah. Sure." Kenny nodded as he placed a kiss to Toni's lips before he walked out ahead of the nurse.

"How did she take the news?" Kenny asked folding his arms over his chest looking from the doctor back at Toni through the glass.

"She doesn't know..." The nurse trailed off causing Kenny to freeze and stare at her with wide eyes. "We figured since you had made the decision you should tell her." The nurse nonchalantly said.

"It's not like I had much of an option..." He spat. "We are truly sorry for your loss mr Edmonds." The nurse spoke rubbing his shoulder.

"Easy for you to say, you get paid wether we live or die." He groaned pushing her hand off his shoulder before he walked back inside.

"Why is the sonogram scanner empty Ken?" She immediately asked once he walked in.

He took a deep breathe as he slipped his hands into his pockets.

"About that..." He began already seeing her facial expression change, "what is it?" She asked barely above a whisper.

"He didn't make it," she shook her head in disbelief. "I knew it. Something was different about my belly, usually I can feel him. But I didn't." She mumbled before tears began to run down her face.

A few tears left Kenny's eyes as well, he walked up to her and wrapped his arms around her.

"Our baby..." She trailed off before crying in his shoulder, her body shook from each tear that left her eyes, every cry became more louder than the previous one.

"I'm sorry..." Kenny whispered kissing her head holding her tightly.

"How is she?" Julia asked Kenny as soon as he walked up to her. "I don't know..." He whispered taking a seat.

Julia raised her eyebrows, "they gave her a large sedative because she couldn't stop crying." He said running his hands through his hair.

"How do I tell her I had to pick?"

Julia let out a breathe before sitting down next to him.

"I don't know what you're feeling right now, because I've never been in this type of position before." Julia said rubbing his back, "I don't wish anything like this upon anyone-"

"But why us?" He loudly asked causing a few people to look their way, "what? Its a goddamn hospital! I can be angry if I want to!" He shouted.

"Calm down." Julia scolded, "next thing you know you'll be all over the news." She said.

"I just don't understand..." He trailed off, "it's God's plan." Julia said.

"Really? God planned this?" Kenny sarcastically asked. Pointing around at everything.

"Kenny. Everything happens for a reason, all we have to do is pray-"

"You love saying that, I've been praying for her and my son's safety ever since she got pregnant 7 months ago and this is how I get paid? I'm starting to think that God is deaf-"

"Okay! I'm gonna let that slide because you're angry right now. You're not thinking straight." His mother sternly said.

"I'm sorry ma. I just- I don't know anymore."

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