Chapter 14: I Got You

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Tell you no lies...

"How's everything?"

"Everything's been pretty good, I'm- we're actually really excited about the baby's sex." Toni nodded.

"Still pushing for a girl?" Doctor Cooper asked and Toni nodded grinning.

"How about you?" Doctor Cooper looked over at Kenny.

"It really doesn't matter what we have but I'm definitely hoping for twins. A boy and a girl." Kenny explained with a smirk causing Toni's eyes to widen.

"Alright. So let's get started." Doctor Cooper stood up and walked over to the small cabinet off on the side.

Toni and Kenny watched as she pulled out a few stuff before she slipped on some white gloves.

"You may come this side and lay down on the bed." She smiled tapping the bed in front of her.

Toni got up and walked over to her side. She got onto the bed and laid down, Kenny got up and walked over to the two as well. Toni slightly pulled up her shirt as doctor Cooper squirted some gel down on the low of her tummy. She slightly flinched at the cold breeze.

"It's always like that with every pregnant women." Doctor Cooper chuckled.

Doctor Cooper grabbed the transducer and placed it down on her tummy and began to shift it around. Toni grabbed onto Kenny's hand as his attention was plastered onto the screen, before a loud thump began to fill the room along with a tiny embryo that appeared on the screen.

"That is your little fetus heart beat and this right here is your little fetus." Doctor Cooper announced pointing right at the embryo.

"How beautiful." Toni grinned as she faced Kenny, "are you crying?" She giggled.

"No- I have something in my eye." Kenny groaned wiping away the little tears he had.

"Your baby is now the size of a plum." Doctor Cooper said, "you are now officially 13 weeks along, and will soon be entering your second trimester." Doctor Cooper smiled.

"When do we find out the gender?" Toni and Kenny asked in unison.

"When you are in your 16th or 20th week." She smiled.

Toni and Kenny nodded. "But through a couple blood tests you will be able to know the baby's gender in about 2 to 3 weeks." Doctor Cooper said.

Toni and Kenny nodded.

"But that usually causes quite a few complications for the future. So my advice to you would be to wait." She explained.

Toni nodded.

"I always picked up a few other things during this scan." Doctor Cooper announced causing both of them to face her with their eyebrows raised in question.

"I see that you will be having a prolonged labor." She explained.

"Prolonged labor can go on for 20 hours or more, you're pelvis is very small to begin with which can cause you to fail to progress during your labor time. Though you're only 3 months, we might have to conduct a C-section or other options to resolve this. There's still time to think so don't worry about anything. We will work this out." Doctor Cooper assured as Toni nodded, scared as hell on the inside.

"But our baby's gonna be fine right?" Toni asked.

"Yes. Listen birth can be a scary thing but don't stress too much about it." Doctor Cooper smiled.

"I'm going to give you your paperwork and your next appointment we'll run tests again and see if anything changes until then keep the stress to minimum."

"I will." Toni nodded.

"I need to get my nails done." Toni stated flashing her hand in front of Kenny's eyes.

He pulled his head back in order to get a better glimpse at her hand as he chuckled.

"Yeah you do." He said before he continued to chop the onions he had been chopping before Toni interrupted him.

She pouted before she got up from the bar stool she had been seat on.

"You're so damn rude." She spat.

He looked up at her confused by her sudden change in behavior.

"But I was just agreeing with you- were you not the one that said you needed one-"

"Yes but as my husband and baby daddy you're suppose to be making me feel good. My feet are swollen, my back is aching and my jeans are not fitting me! The least you could do is lie to me and tell me that I look great!" She buried her face into the palms of her hands and began to cry. "I'm just fat!"

"You do look great, and I don't have to lie about that. You're not fat, you're pregnant and beautiful." Kenny said embracing her.

"Do I really look beautiful?" She sniffed.

"Yes." He nodded kissing her forehead.

"I wish we could swap after a couple months than you could carry the baby for the rest of the months." She chuckled whilst wiping away her tears.

"I'd love to be able to use that I carried you for nine months shit. My mom believes she has super powers when she uses that phrase." Kenny laughed.

He looked down at Toni realizing she had been staring at him, "you really do have a big head..." She blurted out with her lips slightly parted.

Kenny sucked his teeth pushing her away from him causing her to chuckle.

"I'm sorry." She giggled.

y'all better appreciate these boring ass chapters because soon shit is gonna start hitting the fan! 🙇🏽‍♀️

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