Chapter 11: You vs. Them

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Your light shines so bright it's like two stars colliding...

"Can I get one?" Kenny asked referring to the chocolate and caramel covered strawberries Toni had been snacking on.

She looked at him and smacked her lips together. He leaned into her ready to grab one but she quickly grabbed the bowl off the counter.

"Ken!" She laughed once he blocked her view not allowing her to move away from him. "I just want one." He pouted trying to snatch one from the bowl which she continuously moved around.

"Toni!" He scolded with a laugh. "Why are you being so selfish?" He groaned like a toddler.

"I am not being selfish, I am busy eating for two!" She laughed as he began to tickle her, "okay okay." She panted from her laughs, "you're gonna make me drop the bowl!" She shouted.

"Can you two stop being so noisy. I was trying to spend my last couple of minutes in this house with peace." Julia scolded walking into the kitchen.

Kenny and Toni immediately stopped. Toni looked up at Julia and smiled lightly giving Kenny a chance to snatch two strawberries from her bowl. She looked down at the bowl before steering her eyes towards Kenny with a frown.

"You said only one." She pouted before she sat the bowl down, "why would you take more than what you asked for?" She scolded as her eyes began to water.

"You're crying?" Kenny chuckled.

"Kenneth." Julia sternly said.

He looked at his mother and shrugged.

"Say sorry." Julia mouthed nodding her head towards Toni. He pulled his face in confusion as he watched Toni wipe away her tears.

"I'm sorry babe." Kenny said taking her hands into his, "no it's okay. I don't even know why I'm crying..." She said with a frown.

"It's the baby sweetheart." Julia walked up to the two placing her hands down on Toni's shoulders. "And it's only going to be getting worse from here." Julia stated darting those words at Kenny.

"So be careful with the way you treat her and what you say mr Edmonds." Julia scolded.

"But I didn't even-"

"Don't you back chat me." Julia squinted her eyes at him, "my uber is outside. If you two need anything, any help, any questions I am just a phone call away." Julia smiled pecking Toni's cheek.

"We're gonna miss you." Toni said. "We'll walk you out." Kenny said.

"You say that as if your grown ass had a damn choice, you gotta carry my bags to the uber remember." Julia shook her head leading the way out of the kitchen.

"You know Toni. You better hope that baby don't get my son's big ass head. I swear Toni, Kenny was the hardest one to push out. They almost sucked him out with those damn tubes." Julia complained as Toni laughed.

"It's not even funny." Kenny scolded in disagreement.

Toni quickly straightened her face and smacked her lips together.

"Babe." Toni walked into their bedroom and found him laying in bed watching reruns of 'my wife & kids'.

She got onto the bed and sat with her knees pressed into the mattress beside him. He turned to face her and raised his eyebrows.

"I've been looking at nursery ideas-"

"Already? We don't even know the gender yet..."

"I know but it's good to be prepared and I was thinking we shouldn't just decorate the room according to the gender. Why not make everything a neutral color, we shouldn't force a color upon our child. He or she should one day choose to like their own color and not just blue because he's a boy or pink because she's a girl." Toni nonchalantly said whilst she scrolled through a few more nurseries.

Kenny nodded his head in deep thought.

"I like that." He smiled. "And I was thinking if it's a boy he's name should be closer to yours and if it's a girl-"

"Theo." He finished off.

She stopped what she had been doing and looked up from the screen at him.

"You like that name?" She raised her eyebrows.

"Yeah..." He nodded sitting up. He wrapped his arms around her waist, "I like that name too." Toni said before she smiled.

"Theo Zia Edmonds." Kenny added.

"How long have you been thinking of that name?" Toni asked, "not that long." Kenny chuckled.

"When do you plan on telling your parents?"

Toni let out a sigh at the mention of that.

"I don't know... to be honest I don't even feel like telling them. I don't want our baby growing up in such a negative atmosphere, my parent's bring nothing but negativity." Toni said thinking of her parents. "I've had good times with them but the bad always seems to outweigh the good." She shook her head.

"You have to at least tell them, they deserve to know. Your parent's have been wanting grandkids, and since your brother you know- you're their only hope." Kenny shrugged.

Toni stared at him for awhile before she bit her lip and nodded.

"Okay. I will tell them but only because you've convinced me to."

Kenny smiled he leaned up and kissed her lips.

"Lay down let me treat you." Kenny smirked as she placed the iPad down on the nightstand and smiled laying down on her back facing him. She placed her hands on the sides of his face and pulled him down into a fiery kiss. He pulled back slowly placing a kiss from her lips along her jawline down to her neck before he went further south. He pushed up her silk nightie and began to pull her black lace boy-shorts down not once breaking eye contact with her.

"You're such a tease." She said as he placed a few kisses to her inner thighs.

She ran her fingers through his hair before she felt her back arch, eyes shut and her lips part ways from his mouth that sent chills down her spine and tingles throughout her body as he began to feast on her opening.

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