Chapter 20: Bad Guy

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I'm losing ya, but I made a mistake...

Toni wiped out her eye feeling a heavy presence resting on her side. She looked down and realised it was Kenny, his hand rested right on her belly. Bringing back so many memories that made her cry again. Kenny heard some light sobs causing him to look up at her whilst he let out a yawn.

"Baby..." He began sitting up and pulling her against him into a tight grip.

She wrapped her arms around him crying into his chest.

"His gone." She mumbled into his shirt. "We're never gonna know how he would've looked, his first words, first steps-"

"Don't think about that stuff okay."

"Its hard Ken. I already had this whole thing planned out, he was already apart of my entire life." She pulled back.

He wiped away her tears before leaning his forehead down against hers.

"I know it's hard, but you're just making yourself cry." Kenny said, "close your eyes and take deep breathes." He softly spoke in a calm and warm tone.

She shut her eyes and did as she was told as Kenny did the same.

"I can't..." She said before tears ran down her face again, "you're- we're gonna be fine. We'll have plenty more kids when the time is right." Kenny said, "we were 61 days away from becoming someone's parents Ken." She said as the tone in her voice changed completely.

Kenny silenced himself, although he was in much more pain he had to be strong for her. He had to have empathy for her, he needed to understand where she was coming from with this. How will he tell her he had to make a choice.

"Mr and mrs Edmonds." The nurse spoke walking into the room.

Toni wiped away her tears as Kenny climbed off the bed they had been sharing fixing his clothes.

"I'm truly sorry for your loss." The nurse said realising Toni had been crying by the redness and puffiness from her eyes.

Toni nodded still wiping away some of her tears.

"That had to have been the hardest decision mr Edmonds. You are very brave." The nurse added nodding at Kenny.

He frowned, "decision?" Toni raised her eyebrows looking back and forth between Kenny and the nurse.

"Oh... you didn't know..." The nurse frowned, "no she didn't." Kenny spat in annoyance.

"I'm confused. Ken what is she talking about?" Toni questioned in confusion.

Kenny swallowed his saliva as the nurses eyes grew big.

"I'm going to give you two some alone time." The nurse said quickly walking out.

"What's going on?" Toni asked sitting up wiping away the rest of her tears.

Kenny took her hand into his kissing her knuckles.

"I want to tell you but I don't know how you're going to react." He said looking into her eyes.

Toni saw sorrow and fear in his, fearing the worst already.

"You're scaring me."

"This is gonna be scary, mostly towards me." Kenny said, "what could be more scary than losing a baby?" She asked just as tears began to run down her cheeks again.

"The fact that he could've survived." Kenny said.

Toni tilted her head a little bit to the side awaiting him to continue.

"Our son could've been born-"

"What the fuck are you telling me?" She groaned immediately letting go of his hand.

Kenny looked down.

"Kenneth!" She raised her voice, "what the fuck are you telling me?" She shouted angrily.

"I had to choose!" He shouted back.

"Choose what?" She asked a bit more calmly. "They could only save one of you, and I had to choose..." He trailed off before crying as well.

"I see..." She nodded her head slowly not once blinking, "and I chose you." He mumbled.

"You chose wrong."

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