Chapter 18: My Love

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The ground may shake us, one day the sky will take us despite what we go through...

3 weeks later

"Love conquers all." Kenny read as he hung the portrait up.

"I love it." Toni smiled looking around at the baby's nursery. "In just 2 months, this little guy will be with us." Toni smiled rubbing her belly.

"You look like you're about to pop Toni." Julia chuckled as she came walking into the nursery herself.

Kenny smiled placing his hand over her hand that rested on her belly.

"My belly cast looks so perfect there." Toni chuckled staring at her belly cast that hung above the rocking chair.

"Oh shoot!" Kenny said, Toni looked up at him in confusion. "What is it?" She raised her eyebrows in panic.

"I forgot our pregnancy shoot collage downstairs." He said ready to head out but Toni grabbed him back.

"Let me get it!" Toni insisted.

"Are you sur-"

"I can do it. It's just a portrait." She sighed patting his shoulder.

"Be careful." He said with a smile. "Won't it be too heavy for you?" He asked as she walked towards the door.

"Relax babe." She chuckled going out the room. "Leave her. Woman are like that in their third trimester. We want to do everything." Julia assured.

"It's just, the doctor said she should be careful when carrying heavy objects." Kenny said.

"Nothing will go wrong. In fact it's a little exercise. It will do her some good." Julia smiled.

"Ken!" Toni called.

He placed the stuffed animals into the baby's cradle before he jogged out the room. He smiled walking towards the staircase as he watched her bring the portrait up.

"Wow. You actually made it." He smiled taking the portrait from her.

"Dammit! I forgot the scented candles." She sighed quickly spinning back around.

"I'll just go place this in his bedroo-"

A loud crash began to fill the atmosphere causing him to immediately turn around and drop the portrait at the sight before him, "mom!" He screamed running down the stairs.

Julia came running out as her eyes immediately widened. Kenny dropped to his knees in front of Toni that was now laying on the ground.

"She's still breathing." He sighed feeling her pulse.

"I'll call an amb-"

"No time!" He shouted grabbing his car keys before picking her up running out the house with her in his arms.

Kenny stood up from where he had been seated opening his arms to Julia as she immediately pulled him into a hug.

"How is everything?" Julia asked.

"I don't know. I haven't heard anything since we arrived here-"

"Mr Edmonds." The doctor said.

Kenny spun around as he and Julia walked up to the doctor.

"How is she?" Kenny asked.

"I'm afraid I only have bad news..." The doctor said. "She lost the baby-"

"There is a possibility that your son can survive." The doctor said.

Kenny's eyes widened.

"But in order for that to happen, we're gonna need you to make a choice mr Edmonds-"

"A choice? Choice for what?" Kenny asked in confusion.

"I'm afraid we can only save one of them." The doctor said, "I'll give you sometime to think it over."

"I can't believe this." Kenny shook his head in disbelief. "Why is this happening to me... me out of all people?" Kenny sighed taking a seat.

"Kenny think this over." Julia said, "we don't have much time mr Edmonds. But you may have a minute to yourself." The doctor said as he walked off.

Julia sat down next to him and wrapped her arms around him.

"I'm so sorry baby. No one deserves this." Julia said saddened by the situation.

"We've been trying for so damn long ma. This is so unfair, Toni's wanted to be a mother for the longest amount of time and now it's- I don't want to lose the baby, but I can't lose Toni either." Kenny shook his head as tears began to run down his face.

"Think about this carefully. You know what to do." Julia whispered before she placed a kiss to his temple.

Kenny wiped away his tears nodding his head. Julia stood up.

"I'll go get the doctor." She said as she straightened her shirt and than walked off.

Kenny sat there in deep thought. Was he making the right choice? This was the hardest decision he ever had to make but he knew eventually Toni would realise that there was no way out.

"Mr Edmonds. Have you decided?" The doctor asked once he and Julia approached Kenny.

Kenny simply nodded as he got up swallowing his saliva.

"I'm choosing my wife."

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