Chapter 17: 1+1

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If I ain't got nothing, I've got you...

The next day

"I can't believe it." Toni groaned going through her feed.

Kenny looked up from his own phone raising his eyebrows in confusion.

"Can't believe what?"

"The media found out about my pregnancy and that it's a boy and now they're outside waiting on me." Toni sighed locking her phone.

"How did they find out? We've both been careful." Kenny spoke in confusion.

"Yeah well, the cons of being Toni Braxton- you know what? It was probably my mother." Toni said in annoyance.

"I don't think it's her. She doesn't know the gender and she doesn't know we're at the hospital-"

"I sent her a text- because I actually thought she would feel something and come rushing through that door to comfort me. But I was so wrong! She would do anything for money." Toni spat.

Kenny grabbed her hands and caressed them.

"Calm down. Remember what doctor Cooper said." He said, "to not stress." Toni nodded taking in a deep breathe before releasing it.

"I'm good." Toni smiled lightly just as the door opened, "may I come in?" Cooper asked with a smile.

"Yes." Kenny and Toni both said in unison.

"Mrs Edmonds, you are all set and ready. Your baby seems fine and well, so you can leave any time you please." Cooper said.

"Thank god." Toni smiled sitting up.

"Another thing, no more dieting for the next 4 months and also, please do not pick up or carry anything heavy." Cooper stated. "Do I have your word?"

"Yes you have my word." Toni chuckled lightly.

"Watch her." Cooper told Kenny before she walked out, Kenny smiled down at her running his fingers through her hair. "The Lord always listens." Toni said.

"He does." Kenny nodded.

A few hours had passed and soon Kenny and Toni came walking out of the hospital and immediately a whole bunch of camera men and reporters swamped around them.

"Please be careful!" Kenny said helping Toni walk past everyone.

She held her bag up in front of her face as she and Kenny tried to scurry away from them.

"Is the baby okay?!" They all questioned in unison.

"Did you have a miscarriage?!"

"Why have you been hiding your pregnancy all this time?!"

"Toni Braxton!" They shouted in annoyance pointing their microphones towards Toni and Kenny.

They continued to harass them, Kenny opened the passenger door for Toni and helped her get in before he pushed past the reporters to his side.

"Toni Braxton!" They shouted as Kenny backed out of the parking lot.

"They are so annoying. I can never keep anything private." Toni groaned, pulling out her phone.

"What are you doing?" Kenny asked as he drove down the highway.

"I'm calling my mother. I could've been killed out there with all those reporters! She didn't even care about that." Toni shook her head.

She was about to place her phone against her ear when Kenny quickly grabbed her phone and ended the call.

"Ken." She scolded.

"Leave her alone. Don't give her your time. That is exactly what she wants you to do, she did this to get under your skin. All you gotta do now is ignore her and prove to her that you're better than this." Kenny preached.

Toni stared at him with her eyebrows raised before she took her phone back.

"Fine." She pouted.

"Stop acting like a baby, when Theo get's here you're officially banned from acting like a damn baby." Kenny scolded.

She snatched her head back and looked at him as if he had grown two heads. Her eyes widened when she saw McDonalds nearby.

"Me and Theo are hungry and we want McDonalds." Toni said pointing towards McDonalds.

"You just ate before we left the hospital." Kenny chuckled.

"Are you trying to call me fat?"

"What would you like? A big mac? Some nuggets with fries?" He quickly replied turning into McDonalds.

"No it's okay! Suddenly I'm not so hungry, since you feel as if I eat too much . Why not just let me starve to death." Toni folded her arms over her chest and looked out in window annoyed at Kenny.


"No. It's fine." She held her hand up indicating he keep quiet.

He licked his lips before he sucked his teeth.

"So do you want McDonalds or not?" He questioned skeptically.

"Ellipsis." She simply said.

He opened his mouth to speak but all that had came out was a laugh.

"I feel a little melancholy." She frowned batting away her tears.

He pulled into a parking and cut the engine off resting his hands down on the steering wheel and turned to face her.

"Would you like anything to eat mamas?" He asked in a warm tone.

She faced him and smiled lightly.

"No." She spat, "let's just go home."

"I'm getting you that burger and fries no matter what you just said." He sternly said getting out the car.

Toni watched him intently through the windows. She rubbed her belly as she awaited Kenny's return. Soon he came out the place with two bags in hand. She chuckled as he got into the car and handed her the bags.

"Here. For you, me, Theo and my mom." He stated starting the car as she began to look through the bags.

"Your mom's coming to visit?"

"Yeah. She wasn't too happy about this hospital visit so she's coming and there's nothing we can do to stop her even if we tried." He said causing her to giggle.

"At least someone cares for us."

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