Chapter 6: Hold Me By The Heart

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Pick up the pieces, help me learn to stand...

Toni rose out of her sleep, the space beside her was empty and cold. She sat up and looked around their bedroom, it was pitch black outside. She rolled over and grabbed her phone checking the time, it was 4:34 a.m. she let out a yawn before she locked her phone and put it back down.

"Ken!" She called out and received no response.

She slipped out of bed and grabbed her robe tossing it over herself. It was a bit chilly tonight. She slipped on her slippers and walked out their bedroom, in search of Kenny.

Kenny gently stirred the rum in his glass before he took yet another sip from it. He hissed out from the burning sensation that went down his throat.

"Ken!" He heard Toni call.

She froze in her tracks once she reached their living room. He was seated on their sofa, a bottle of rum rested on the coffee table in front of him and that caused her to let out a soft sigh.

"Ken." She said walking up to him.

She knew he was angry about the news she shared with him earlier, she was too. She stood in front of him and took the now empty glass out of his hand setting it down on the table.

"Drinking doesn't solve anything." Toni said. "It does." Kenny corrected.

"Whoever said that is a liar, you're only making your problems worse by drinking. Nothing gets solved because the drunker you get the more you become open to your problems." Toni shook her head.

"Come here." He licked his bottom lip wrapping his arms around her waist.

"Ken." She warned.

He pulled her onto his lap, she placed her legs on either side straddling him. He pulled her closer and buried his face in the crook of her neck.

"We should just stop." He mumbled, his breathe hitting her skin.

She slid her hands up the back of his neck and through his hair.

"Stop what?" She asked in confusion.

"Trying to have a baby." He said sounding a bit drowsy. "Is that what you really want?" Toni asked as she felt a couple tears rest at the brim of her eyes.

He simply nodded before he pulled back. He looked up at her and watched as a few tears began to roll down her cheek.

"Babe..." He sighed, wiping away her tears. "What's wrong?"

"It's that... I want a baby so badly." She frowned resting her forehead down on his shoulder, he rested his hands down on her thighs.

"We could adopt? Or use a surrogate. I just don't want us going through this anymore." He spoke truthfully, he was exhausted.

"You'd really want to adopt a baby?" Toni asked raising her head to look at him.

He nodded caressing her cheek, "I'd do absolutely any and everything for you and with you." Kenny smiled lightly.

"I love you so much." She said, "and I love you." He said back leaning up to kiss her lips.

She cupped his face deepening their kiss. His hands roamed from her thighs to her behind, he took each cheek into his palms gripping them pushing her against him. She could feel his member growing beneath her.

"Ken." She pulled back catching her breathe. "We can't... I have an interview in the morning." She scolded getting off his lap.

"I'll be quick." He whispered grabbing her hand.

He sat up and moved forward pulling her against him. He stood up and wrapped his arms around her waist before his mouth was down on her neck.

"Ken..." She slightly moaned.

Toni gripped his head pulling his mouth away from her neck she cupped his face and attacked his lips.

"We shouldn't do this." She groaned. She roughly pushed him away causing him to fall back on the sofa.

She bit her lip, pushing her robe and nightgown even further up before she straddled him. He gripped her hips as she cupped his face and kissed his lips. Pulling back he raised up allowing her to pull his briefs down. Once off, he slid her thong to the side and gripped the bottom of her thighs lifting her up before he gently slid her down on him. She bit her lip as both of their eyes rolled to the back of their heads. He took her hands into his and intertwined them as she began to move her hips back and forth.

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