Chapter 9: How I Feel

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This is how I feel...

"Table for three." Kenny said holding up 3 fingers.

"Right this way." The waitress smiled scanning Kenny from his head to his shoes.

Toni slightly squinted her eyes before she immediately took intertwined her hand into Kenny's. He smiled down at her as they followed behind the waitress. Once they reached their table Kenny pulled out Toni's chair allowing her to sit before he did the same to his mother's chair.

"Thank you baby." Julia smiled as she pushed herself in the waitress placed the menus down in front of each one.

Toni watched as the waitress still had her eyes plastered on Kenny. She quickly leaned into him placing her hand down on his thigh.

"I think someone has a little crush on you." Toni whispered with her eyes on the waitress.

"I don't pay those kinds of things no mind. So don't you worry about me." Kenny assured placing his hand in between her thighs.

Toni smiled before she picked up her menu and began to scan over the meals.

"I am Dianna and I will be your waitress for the evening. What would you guys like to order? Any starters? Drinks? Or do you three need a couple minutes to still decided?" Dianna asked as she held her pen and notepad ready to write down their orders.

"Umm... let me get a water with a lemon on the side and some white wine and some snails with mushrooms as a starter." Toni said looking up from her menu at Dianna.

Dianna nodded as she wrote it down.

"I'll take a white wine as well but no snails and mushrooms for me." Julia said pulling her face at the starters Toni chose. Toni giggled before she checked the texts on her phone.

"Let me get some red wine since all the women are ordering the white." Kenny chuckled. "And can I also get some hot wings." Julia added.

"Will that be all for now?" Dianna asked for confirmation, "give us about 10 minutes to decide on what we're eating." Kenny stated.

Dianna nodded before she walked off. Julia looked around the restaurant as Toni replied to the texts on her phone and Kenny rested back in his seat moving his arm around Toni's shoulders, resting it down on the headrest of her chair.

"Wait but Toni... you shouldn't be drinking. You're pregnant." Julia said causing Kenny's eyes to widen and Toni to look up at her.

"I'm not pregnant." Toni shook her head locking her phone.

"Have you even taken a pregnancy test?"

"Yes ma- this morning and it came back negative." Kenny groaned.

Julia frowned, "I could've sworn my premonition was right." Julia sighed watching as Toni placed her phone down on the table.

"It's okay ma." Toni smiled weakly. "It is what it is." Toni nodded before she began to look around herself.

An awkward silence filled them before Julia spoke up once again.

"How's it going with your restaurant?" She asked Kenny.

"It's doing well. Aside from the calls I keep getting out of nowhere to go in to work or checkup on a couple things." Kenny added.

Julia nodded. Toni's eyes landed on a couple that was seated a couple tables away from them. The woman was busy feeding their baby boy who sat in a highchair next to her. Toni wanted that, more than anything.

"Right baby." Kenny chuckled facing Toni.

Realizing that she hadn't heard a word he said, he noticed that she was staring at the couple with the baby and frowned before he placed his hand down on her shoulder.

"What are you staring at?" He asked.

"Nothing." She quickly replied facing him, "what's that smell?" She asked scrunching her face up in disgust.

"What smell?" Kenny and Julia asked in unison.

"Eww..." She mumbled placing her hand over her mouth. "Must be the fish that man behind y'all just got." Julia said.

"I can't smell anything wrong though..." Kenny trailed off in confusion.

"It's really upsetting my stomach." Toni swallowed her saliva covering her nose with a napkin.

Julia squinted her eyes at Toni.

"You sure you're not pregnant?"

"As positive as that negative test I took this morning." Toni said. "Could we swap seats?" Toni asked Julia.

"Yes of course." Julia nodded as the two got up and swapped seats. "Now whose thigh am I suppose to caress?" Kenny frowned.

"Boy! I will smack you." Julia laughed.

Toni laughed as well as their waitress walked up to them, she couldn't help but wonder why she was feeling this way. She hadn't been feeling her best, but the test was negative even though all the symptoms were there.

"Are you okay baby?" Kenny asked.

"Yeah." She nodded with a smile, she stared at her wine before she decided against it picking up her water instead.

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