Chapter 3: Take It All

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I'm a victim of my pride...

"How far are you?" Toni asked into the call.

"I'm almost there. Give me about 5 minutes." Kenny said. "Okay. I'll be waiting." She said.

"Love ya." He said, "love you too." She smiled before ending the call.

She placed her phone down on the table and grabbed the lighter, she lit the caramel scented candles she had placed around the living room and fixed the straps to her transparent sheer fur robe. She had a pair of black floral lace lingerie on and black stilletos as she awaited Kenny's arrival. She poured them two glasses of champagne and sat back and watched the time on the wall clock pass by. The front door opened and she immediately stood up and got her pose ready, confused at first she decided to open the robe up and expose her lingerie. She smiled as the footsteps became louder.

"Good evening daddy- mom!" She shouted immediately tossing the robe around her.

Her mother, father and Kenny stood back as their eyes widened at the sight before them. Kenny bit his lip holding back the laughter that wanted to erupt.

"Baby I found your parents in the driveway." Kenny spoke up as Toni grabbed two pillows off the sofa to cover herself.

"I see that." She said through gritted teeth. "Well you obviously weren't expecting us." Her mother shook her head scanning Toni from her head to her toes.

"You look good." Kenny announced causing her parents to face him.

"Agh!" Toni groaned in annoyance rolling her eyes in the process.

"Oh look Marvin our daughter does own some appropriate clothes."

"Tasha." Marvin said sternly. "What?" Tasha faced him with her eyebrows raised.

"We walk in here and she's barely clothed-"

"We are a married couple mom, it's not as if we're two teenagers messing around your house." Toni spat taking her seat next to Kenny on the sofa opposite her parents.

"Okay Toni no need to get defensive-"

"But how can I not when you two walk into our home and judge me in me and my husbands home." Toni spat.

Kenny placed his hand over hers hoping to calm her down.

"Maybe we should just leave-"

"You should-"

"Tone." Kenny sternly said causing her to face him, "what? They can't just walk in here and expect us to be all holy when they're not-"

"Okay Michele! We will leave." Her father said getting up as he helped her mother stand as well, "we wanted to share some news with you but we obviously can't because you're just as stubborn as your brother." Marvin scolded.

"And where did that get him?" Tasha asked as she stood up, "in prison." Tasha shook her head.

Toni frowned as Kenny let out a breathe. He got up, "let me walk y'all out." He announced.

"Wait!" Toni got up, "would you guys like to have breakfast with us tomorrow?" Toni asked swallowing her pride.

Her parents smiled turning to face her.

"Yes. We'd love to." Tasha nodded.

Toni smiled lightly as she looped her arm into Kenny's.

"We'll both walk you out."

Toni and Kenny walked her parents towards the front door and watched as they got into their car and drove off. Once back inside Kenny closed the door behind them and began to lock it.

"You could've warned me about my parents you know." Toni said, "I'm sorry. Next time I'll make sure to shout." Kenny chuckled.

They walked into the living room and plopped down on the sofa as Toni snuggled into him.

"How's your album coming along?" Kenny asked, "it's a working process." Toni nonchalantly said. "I wanna talk about the baby." Toni said.

"The baby? You're pregnant?" Kenny's eyes widened in excitement. "No." She shook her head, "and that's why I'm concerned. We've been trying to have this baby for a whole year now and nothing." She frowned.

Kenny bit his lip nervously wrapping his arms around her.

"Our time is near. Relax, these things take time." Kenny kissed her forehead. "We have to be patient-"

"I've been patient for 12 months. I want a baby Kenny. I want to be someone's mom." Toni sighed getting up.

"You don't get it because you're not ready-"

"I'm not ready? Really? I've been sitting with you patiently through almost every pregnancy test that you've taken in the past 12 months and you have the audacity to tell me I'm not ready." Kenny shook his head sitting up.

"I'm not gonna fight with you." Toni said walking off, "but we aren't even fighting..." He trailed off hearing her go up the stairs.

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