Chapter 25: Undone ıı

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Tell me where love goes when it's gone...

Kenny pulled his face in confusion as he watched Toni reach her hand out to nothing in particular. He looked behind him and saw nothing, he quickly placed his hand into her and brought her hand back.

A loud beeping noise filled the room and immediately doctors came rushing into it.

"What happened here?"

"She didn't want to listen to me she began to go insane she ripped the tubes off and than she got out her bed and tried to walk but than she just went blank and fell to the ground." Kenny explained under one breathe as the nurses began to help him put her back onto the bed.

Tears began to roll down his face as the doctor began to zap Toni's chest with his defibrillators.

"We're loosing her!" He shouted doing it again.

Tears left his eyes as he watched her body rise off the bed and fall back onto it repeatedly.

"You're gonna kill her!" He yelled trying to pull the doctor away from her.

"Please leave sir, this isn't good for you." The nurse spoke as she and two more nurses began to pull Kenny out of the room.

"I want to see my wife!" He shouted.

"Why am I still here?" Toni asked groggily.

"You fainted." Kenny said wiping out his eyes as he sat up.

She looked around her and began to cry.

"What's wrong?" Kenny panicked getting up to stand beside her. "I saw him." She blurted out sitting up.

"Saw who?" Kenny arched his brow.

"Theo. He looked just like you." Toni cried shaking her head as the event replayed in her head.

"What no, baby Theo is gone- look I apologize for what you heard earlier. You're right, I'm the one to blame for all of our misfortune. I can't lose you too, I thought you were gonna die on me..." Kenny said in relief taking her hand into his.

"I should've." She said coldly snatching her hand away from him, "and that is why I don't understand why I'm still here. I took almost took Theo's hand..." She trailed off in confusion.

"But you- you appeared and took me away from my son once again! You're so selfish!" She yelled throwing punches to his chest.

"Calm down." He said gripping his hands into his. "I love you."

"And I told you to leave." She spat angrily. "Why the hell are you still here? Get out leave me! I'll be fine without you." She groaned.

Kenny stared at her not sure whether he should actually leave or stay and keep taking the blows.

"If you're worried that I'd kill myself, don't worry I won't. Because than I'd go to hell and I don't want to go to hell I wanna be with Theo, in heaven." She sniffed looking up at the ceiling.

Kenny swallowed his saliva. He grabbed his phone off the chair and walked up to the door. He grabbed the doorknob before he turned around to take one last look at her, maybe even hoping she would change her mind.

"Leave me alone, please." She begged before she turned over and faced the opposite side.

He let out a tired sigh before he opened the door and stepped out.

3 days later

"Toni Braxton! Toni Braxton!" The reporters yelled as flashlights began to flash meaning they were now snapping pictures of her.

She held her bag up in front of her face as her bodyguards pushed the paparazzi aside so that she could walk past them.

"We're so sorry about your miscarriage-"

Those words hit a spot, she felt her chest beginning to ache. She froze in her tracks and brought her bag down from her face, she gritted her teeth and turned towards the reporter.

"My miscarriage is none of y'all business. What I am experiencing is none of y'all concern, y'all have no idea what I'm going through." She said ready to walk off before being stopped again.

"How did your husband respond to this?" Another one asked, "yes. How does he feel?" Another one questioned.

"I don't know, me and my husband are currently separated." She announced receiving a couple gasps from the crowd.

"Does this mean y'all will be getting a divorce?"

She stared at the cameramen and reporters before she slid on her shades, "yes." She bluntly stated, "now please excuse me." She sternly said brushing past them.

... "Alright than... I'll give you what you want." He mumbled holding in the pain he felt.

Toni chewed down on her bottom lip looking at the white tiles as she fiddled with her fingers. She felt his presence come closer, he stopped in his tracks next to her.

"I was expecting this but just so we're clear, if I had to choose all over... I'd choose your life again. And again. And again." He said before he walked out.

She shut her eyes as tears ran down her face again. She let out a frustrated breathe before turning around watching him walk up the stairs.

The last part was from the prologue incase y'all were lost

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