Chapter 2: U Don't Know

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The weight of the world's in the palm of your hands now...

"Where would you like your wedding portrait to go ma'am?"

Toni bit her lip in deep thought looking around the living room, her eyes lit up at the empty space in the center of their cream white wall.

"There." She said pointing at the space.

The man nodded as he signaled his guys to bring it into the house. Toni stepped back allowing them to pass by her. She smiled watching as the one guy stepped up the ladder and the other one handed him the portrait.

"Be careful. That frame cost 200 dollars alone and that picture is priceless." Toni sternly said.

The man nodded, "bring it a little bit to the left." Toni instructed as they did so. "A little bit up- perfect!" She grinned happily.

The man stepped down from the step ladder. He stared at Toni before his eyes fell on Kenny that walked into the living room.

"Babe you just missed it." Toni faced him as he slipped his phone into his pocket.

"Missed what?" Kenny raised his eyebrows in confusion.

Toni pointed up at the wall and he smiled.

"I like it. It compliments the room well." He nodded.

"And when we have a baby, we can take a family portrait and hang it over here." Toni smiled pointing over to the wall across from them.

Kenny turned and looked at the empty wall.

"Oh that's why it's empty?" He chuckled.

"And we're done." Toni said looking around their bedroom that was finally furnished, "I don't understand why we had to save the bedroom for last..." Kenny spoke in confusion.

"Because Ken." Toni sighed, "because what?" He arched his brow.

"Because..." She groaned through gritted teeth not necessarily sure herself as to why they left the bedroom for last.

Kenny raised his hands in surrender. His phone vibrated and he immediately grabbed it off the nightstand checking the text.

"Dammit." He groaned looking up at Toni who was already staring at him, "what is it?" She asked.

"Chef Tracey has canceled once again." He announced causing her to frown, "so now I have to go in and take over her shift." He stated the obvious.

"But you're the boss can't you just assign someone else?"

"It's not that simple babe-"

"Well than I'm going with you." She sternly said, he raised his eyebrows. "I thought you hated the-"

"Well I said I'm going and I'm going. You promised to have dinner with me tonight and now you're bailing on me." She shook her head walking over to one of her suitcases.

Kenny chuckled, "babe." He called out watching how she put the suitcase down on the bed, zipped it open and began to search through it for god knows what.

"Toni." He sternly said a bit louder.

Toni looked up and squinted her eyes at him before she began to look around and behind her, Kenny watched on in confusion as he began to do the same.

"What are we looking for?" He asked worriedly.

"The person you raised your voice at because it can't be me." She shook her head causing him to frown.

"Listen baby. I won't be long, an hour is all I need. I'm just going in to check on the staff and my customers and to make sure the business is running and everything tastes well and than I'll be back." He said.

"That sounds like a lot of things that's gonna take a lot of time-"

"Just give me an hour. Please..." He begged. "I promise we'll have our dinner once I get back. You can even put up those caramel scented candles of yours." He said hoping she would agree.

She stared at him for awhile before she nodded her head.

"Okay." She softly replied smacking her lips together, "thank you bebe. I'll be back-"

"An hour!" She sternly said.

"Yes ma'am." He nodded before he pecked her lips and scurried away.

"Oh thank God you're here boss. The customer at table four has been having issues with Josh the entire time."

"Have you guys tried reasoning with him and figuring out what he's complaint is actually about?" Kenny asked buttoning his long sleeve zest.

"No actau-"

"Well that is your first mistake." Kenny said putting on his hat before he rushed out the kitchen into the busy restaurant.

"Where is your manager or boss? I would like to file a complaint!" The man fought.

"Here I am sir. What seems to be the problem?" Kenny asked approaching the table.

"Yes. Firstly when I got here my table was not ready and I had already made a reservation online 2 hours ago," Kenny nodded as he listened. "And than when we finally got a table your service was extremely slow okay. And than too top it all off this asshole-"

"Sir can you not call my employees out of their names please." Kenny said.

"I'm sorry. Your employee our waiter has the nerve to be rude to us because I dared to say something about your poor service." The man stated.

Kenny let out a breathe trying to figure out what to do. He smiled at his customer grabbing two VIP menus from Josh's apron and placing it down in front of the couple.

"How about I treat the two of you to two of our finest dishes. On me." Kenny suggested.

The man smiled proudly up at Kenny.

"Yes. We would love that, thank you." The man nodded as he and his wife opened their menus.

"Josh treat these two customers as you would any other VIP customers of ours. Their meal is on me and another thing, the customer is always right." Kenny sternly said.

Josh nodded, "yes boss." He replied.

Kenny walked back into the kitchen and sighed.

"How long did that take?" He asked his assistant Sarah, "about 23 minutes." She said checking the time on her wrist.

Kenny grabbed his knife and looked at her.

"Lets finish cooking these meals so I can get back to Toni."

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