Chapter 16: I Hope That You're Okay

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Baby it's time to just call it a day...

"What is that?" Kenny asked referring to the drop cloth Toni laid out all over the living room.

She had moved the coffee table over to the side and was now taking out a belly cast kit. His eyes widened as he wiped his hands and set the cloth down on the fireplace.

"Isn't it a bit too early to do that?"

"Yes but. I want one now and than one a few weeks before I go into labor." She nonchalantly said, "now go change into some old clothes because you're going to be molding me a belly cast." She smiled turning to face him.

"Yes ma'am." He nodded before he rushed off.

A couple minutes later he came back, she looked up at him and smiled.

"Good. Now help me pick out which color butterflies we're gonna stick over my belly casts nipples." She said, he pulled his face in confusion.

She looked up at him and raised her eyebrows causing him to immediately sit down next to her.

"I think we should use the dark blue one's after all he is a boy." Kenny shrugged setting the two dark blue butterfly pins to the side.

"Okay." She nodded getting up.

He got up as she handed him the kit and began to toss an old towel of them over the chair she was going to be sitting on. He began to remove all the supplies placing them down on the drop cloth. She removed her robe revealing her nude top half before she sat down in the chair.

"The instructions are in the box." She said pointing at the box.

She began to find herself a much more comfortable position as Kenny began to read the instructions. He grabbed the petroleum jelly and began to apply it all over her torso and lower belly. He grabbed the gauze strips and ran them through the warm water she already had set up for him. He made sure they were wet enough before he began to smooth them over her belly and torso. Once he had layered all the strips over her he backed away and smiled, he grabbed the two butterflies and placed them down over the dots her nipples created.

"There, I did a pretty amazing job." He grinned happily.

"You're so cocky." She chuckled. "Hold on let me set a timer for 5 minutes really quickly." He said rushing out the living room.

She looked around before she felt her belly become tight and extremely painful. "Ah!" She screamed when she felt a strong pain shoot through her stomach. "Ken!" She yelled.

He came rushing back with his phone in hand.

"Wait what are you doing. It's only been three minutes." He panicked watching how she tried to get up.

"My belly-"

"You're bleeding!" He panicked.

He dropped his phone rushing up to her, he pulled the cast off of her and surprisingly it didn't break. He placed it down on the drop cloth and before they knew it a pool of a wet substance was all over the cloth.

"Ken!" Toni freaked out as tears began to leave her eyes, "I got you." He calmly spoke helping her put on her robe before he picked her up and rushed out the house with her.

After being rushed to the hospital and operated on for hours, the doctors had not given Kenny nor Toni any information on what was going on. Kenny stood up as he watched their doctor walk into their hospital room.

"Is my baby okay?" Toni asked.

"Is she okay is the baby okay?" Kenny asked under one breathe looking between Toni and doctor Cooper.

"The results came back and we see that you are absolutely fine, you had a miscarriage scare and many women get this. They believe they've had a miscarriage because of vaginal bleeding or spotting. So, no that's not the case, you are fine. What I can tell you though is that bleeding as much as you did can be because there is a problem with the baby. So what we're going to do is keep you here and do another test and also an ultrasound to see what is going on with your baby boy in there okay?" The doctor spoke with excitement.

"Okay." Toni simply replied.

She walked out and Kenny immediately let out a tense breathe, she grabbed his arm and held tightly onto it.

"I'm scared." Toni blurted out. "Me too." He admitted. "I don't want anything to happen to our baby." She cried burying her face against his arm.

He looked down at her and placed a kiss to her head.

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