Chapter 13: Sorry Enough

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I can't go back in time for you...

2 months later

Toni smacked the back of Kenny's neck causing his eyes to fly open.

"What is wrong with you?" She scolded as he wiped out his eyes. "If you won't take this seriously than you can leave." She scolded in annoyance rolling her eyes.

"No no baby..." He trailed off grabbing her hand but she snatched it away. "Focus mr Edmonds." The yoga instructor said.

He faced her and nodded as Toni continued to do the pregnancy yoga poses. He looked around at the pregnant woman around him and sighed, he leaned into Toni.

"Why am I the only man in here?" He whispered.

She ignored him as she pretended not to see or hear him.

"Okay. You're doing that again, fine." He said in annoyance, he got up and grabbed his mat.

"Ken!" She semi shouted, "where are you going?" Toni questioned angrily embarrassed at how everyone was now looking at them.

"Mr Edmonds you are disturbing my class, again..." The yoga instructor said in annoyance.

"Give me a minute woman." He scolded at the yoga instructor before looking down at Toni who began to grab his leg.

"Ken." She scolded.

"Oh now you wanna talk to me." He chuckled, "I'm gonna go." He loudly said making sure the yoga instructor heard him clearly.

"Toni let go of my foot." He said bending down to loosen her grip on him. "Stay." She said wrapping her other hand around his ankle as well.

"Toni Michelle Braxton Edmonds." He said through gritted teeth, "you're embarrassing us." He said looking up and around at everyone who was staring at them.

"Mr and mrs Edmonds!" The yoga instructor loudly announced.

Toni immediately let go of his leg and sat up as Kenny stood up straight ready to walk out.

"I'm going to have to ask you to leave." The yoga instructor calmly said, "and that is what I'm doing." Kenny nonchalantly said whilst still walking towards the door.

"No. Both of you." She added.

Toni's eyes widened, "but I didn't-"

"Mrs Edmonds please."

"Fine." Toni sighed getting up picking up her mat which wasn't too successful at first, once she had it she walked out ahead of Kenny.

"I can't believe you got is kicked out of our damn yoga class!" Toni groaned in frustration as they came walking into their house.

"Well I'm sorry... how many times do I have to say I'm sorry?" Kenny groaned back setting their stuff down on the table.

"Until you're actually sorry. You don't even care! Now how am I suppose to get any exercise?" Toni question in annoyance placing her hand down on her waist facing him.

"Having sex is exercise." Kenny nonchalantly said with a grin.

Toni sucked her teeth in frustration.

"That wasn't funny." She spat causing him to frown, "you better fix this-"

"How?" He raised his hands.

"You better go over there and apologize so I can get back into the class." Toni groaned through gritted teeth.

Kenny pouted.

"But why me-"

"Because you're the one who got us kicked out to begin with!" She shouted.

He ran his hand down his face.

"No." He shook his head causing her to raise her eyebrows. "I'm happy we got kicked out that class was stupid anyways." He shrugged walking away.

Her mouth fell open in disbelief.

"Doctor Cooper said to stay active and she's the one that recommended I take the damn yoga class and doctors know what's best-"

"I too know what's best for you and it's not some stupid yoga class-"

"Are you a doctor? No! You're a freaking chef!" Toni spat throwing her hands up in annoyance.


"I just don't get it. Do you not want me and our baby to be in shape?" Toni began to sob burying her face into the palm of her hands.

"No- don't cry-" He cut himself off as he looked up at the ceiling tossing a few frustrated punches into the air before he took a deep breathe and looked back down at her, "why don't I get you your very own personal yoga instructor for here at home than you don't need to be bothered by anyone around you." Kenny smiled lightly.

Toni sniffled as she stopped crying looking up at him.

"You would do that for us?" She pouted rubbing over her growing bump. "Yes." He nodded walking up to her.

He wiped away her tears as she smiled up at him.

"Thank you." She said, "I'm not doing this for you. I'm doing it for our baby." Kenny teased.

She immediately frowned pushing him away from her.

"You're such an asshole." She groaned walking away from him. "I'm kidding! Baby come back-"


"I'll make you food!" With that said she immediately came running back to him, "did you say you're gonna cook for me?" She grinned.

"Yes." He laughed, "you know what else would make me really happy?" She raised her eyebrows continuously.

He squinted his eyes, "having dinner by the pool." She grinned.

He chuckled, "fine whatever you want." He said causing her to squeal lightly. "You're such a baby." He mumbled.


"I said you're carrying my beautiful baby." He smiled.

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