Chapter 21: Love Drought

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You're my lifeline are you trying to kill me?...

Kenny and Toni walked into their home as silence was the only friend they knew. Two human beings that always had so much to say to one another couldn't find anything to say to each other at all.

"How about we have a nice dinner at the pool..." He trailed off watching as she ignored him and walked up the stairs.

"Or you could just ignore me for the rest of my life." He mumbled setting her bags down on the floor walking into the kitchen.

Toni walked into the white and grey nursery stoping in her tracks looking around at everything.

"Ah!" She screamed pulling the curtains down, tossing a few things around as well as throwing her crafted belly onto the floor causing it to shatter into pieces.

Kenny took a sip from his tequila before he heard a few banging and screams coming from upstairs. He immediately placed his glass down on the island running towards the chaos. He stopped at the nursery's door, causing his eyes to widen at the sight before him. His eyes landed on a crying Toni who sat on the floor in the middle of the chaos. She had her face burried in the palms of her hands loudly sobbing.

"Baby..." He softly said carefully walking over everything.

He placed his hand down on her shoulder causing her to shoot up and back away from him.

"Don't you touch me." She spat, "this is all your fault, you're the one to blame here. You killed him! Its because of you that he's not here, not in my arms! Because of you, I can't have anymore kids!" She shouted angrily.

"It was your life or the baby's-"

"You should've chosen the baby's!" She yelled with rage, upset at everything. "The sight of you annoys me." She hissed, "I don't want this shit to be here! Get it out of my house." She walked out.

Kenny ran his hand over his face.

"I don't even want to be in this house!" He heard her yell along with a door being slammed closed.

He shut his eyes preventing the tears that wanted to fall from falling. He looked around before he bent down and began to pick up the stuff that laid on the floor just as his eyes landed on the pieces from her crafted belly, he froze his actions and looked from the pieces up at the wall to the spot where the belly hung. He shut his eyes as a few tears fell from his eyes, quickly wiping them away he continued to pick the stuff up off the floor.

Kenny walked out the bathroom into their bedroom, a room once filled with so much light and love was now full of darkness. He watched as Toni laid on her end asleep. He dried his hair before slipping his boxers on, hopefully she wasn't as angry as she was earlier on.

"Why did you do it?" She asked just when he got into bed, "it was the right decision-"

"The right one?" She questioned before chuckling sarcastically. "I'm not in the mood for this right now." He shook his head adjusting his pillow.

"Right. Because you don't feel anything. You probably never did. You're here acting as if nothing is wrong, as if we didn't just loose our baby. I'm hurt Kenneth!" She yelled sitting up to face him.

"I'm hurting too!" He yelled back hitting his hand into his pillow. "Its the hardest for me..." He trailed off closing his eyes.

"No its not! I'm hurting the most. He was my son-"

"He was my son too." He said calmly interrupting her, "don't interrupt me." She sternly said.

"You made the worst decision ever. You're such a coward!" She shouted, "I'm not doing this." He said annoyed by her attitude.

"Doing what?" She asked with her hands raised in question. "This. This- this damn argument. I lost my son too, he wasn't just yours." He got out of bed grabbing his pillow and his phone walking towards the door.

"You're such a coward." Toni cried whilst wiping away her tears but they kept on falling.

"I rather be a coward than lose you." He nonchalantly said, they looked at one another for a few seconds before he shook his head and walked out.

"Goddammit!" She screamed ripping the lamp off the nightstand and tossing it at the door.

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