Chapter 22: Be On My Way

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If I'm giving you the cold shoulder, it's the best closure...

Kenny looked around at the nursery letting out an exhausting breathe. Last night he could barely sleep because the thought of Toni and the baby was heavy on his mind as well as the fact that he was probably the reason she lost the baby in the first place. He ran his hand down his face, he was extremely tired and not to mention Toni had locked herself up in their bedroom and hasn't come out since than.

"Love conquers all." He read before he began to remove the portrait and set it to the side.

He began to pack everything up into the boxes he had brought up here earlier. There was no reason for any of this to be here, it was only going to bring back more painful memories. He pulled the first drawer open and there laid a bunch of onesies. He shut his eyes taking in what was actually happening, he never thought about the cons of the pregnancy. Losing the baby never crossed his mind... ever.

"What are you doing?" He heard, he turned his head towards the door which Toni was standing in front of.

"I'm getting rid of everything." He said.

"No!" She shouted, "don't touch anything. Leave everything. Why are you even doing this?" She angrily asked rushing up to him, stopping him from taking anything out of the drawer.

"You told me to do this." Kenny shrugged in confusion backing away from her.

"I know that you don't give a fuck about what happened to me or my son-"

"He was my son too-"

"I know you don't care!" She yelled cutting him off. "But at least have some respect for me, I'm grieving." She calmly said closing the drawer.

Kenny stared at her as she began to remove some stuff from the boxes.

"Would you like to go to therapy? Because, Linda could help you-"

"Do I look like I'm crazy?" She asked slowly turning around to face him.

"No that's not what I'm sayi-"

"Sure sounds like it." She said placing her hands down on her hips, "I just want you to get help-"

"I don't need help!" She yelled. "Yes you do!" He yelled back.

Silence filled the atmosphere around them as they just looked at one another.

"I don't want to see you in here." She said turning away from him, "ever." She added.

He nodded his head in understanding, he needed to acknowledge that she was hurting and in pain. He didn't want to make matters worse. He slipped his hands into his pockets before he walked out.

Toni walked into the kitchen where Kenny had been busy setting up two plates with food. She walked up to the refrigerator and pulled out a bottle of water.

"I figured you'd be hungry after spending all that time up there, so I made you some mac and cheese." He smiled lightly pushing her plate towards her.

"I'm not hungry." She shook her head.

"That's fine." He said pulling the plate back, he set it in the microwave before looking down at his plate. "I'm not hungry either..."

He set their food away before he walked past her. It was an awkward silence that surrounded them, he loved her but it felt as if she began to hate him.

"We wouldn't be here if you had just made the right decision." She said out of the blue.

"Wow Toni, you're still on that." He sighed stopping in his tracks.

"You chose wrong. My baby should've been here..." She sniffed before tears began to run down her face.

"It was the hardest decision I ever had to make, and to me... at that time, I felt like I had made the right decision." He said not once turning around to face her.

Both of them had their backs towards each other.

"Does it still feel right? Even though we're both childless, knowing that I can never conceive again?" She asked roughly wiping away her tears.

"Would you rather be dead?" He yelled in frustration, "yes!" She yelled back.

"It would've been better to not feel anything, but now I have to feel all of this." She cried.

"I can't change the past, but if I could I still wouldn't change my decision." He calmly stated.

"Because you're heartless!" She screamed, "because I can't bare to lose you!" He yelled in frustration.

He let out a deep breathe, "because you're my life..." He mumbled before walking out.

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