Chapter 7: Baby

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You got my mind going crazy...

2 months later

"How long does it take to adopt?" Toni asked eagerly.

"Well mrs Edmonds, the process can be between 6 and 18 months from start to finish." Their lawyer Sam spoke as Toni and Kenny nodded.

"But In many countries applicants can wait 2 to 5 years before their adoption is approved." He added on causing Toni and Kenny's eyes to widen.

"I'd be 35 than..." Toni groaned, "is adopting a baby hard?" Kenny asked steering his attention from Toni to Sam.

"Contrary to common belief, there are not a lot of babies available for adoption. Domestic infant adoption is actually rare, with only roughly 10 percent of hopeful parents being placed with a baby. The wait to adopt is often long and sometimes full of disappointment and heartbreak. Even after adopting a baby, and yes. Adoption is hard." Sam confessed.

Toni swallowed her saliva, she placed her hand over her tummy, she felt like vomiting.

"Toni. Are you okay?" Kenny asked watching as she got up from the sofa they had been seated on.

"I don't feel so well." She shook her head walking out of their home office.

"Could you just tell me again which countries you guys are looking for to adopt in." Sam said.

"Uganda, Haiti and Ethiopia. Those are our three main options." Kenny said. "And Colombia."

"Hey mom!" Kenny grinned pulling his mother Julia into his embrace. "I'm so glad that you made it."

"Where is she?" Julia asked.

"In bed." Kenny frowned, Toni hadn't been feeling well since their talk with Sam from this afternoon.

"How long has she been feeling this way?" Julia asked handing her bags to Kenny.

"Jesus mom." He groaned, "how long do you plan on staying here?" Kenny asked.

"Not too long, I'll just be here until Toni is back to normal. Now go put my babies in their bedroom." She scolded shoving him away from her.

"This is a nice house." She smiled looking around, "and the decor... mmm, Toni had to have done all of this."

"I helped." Kenny mumbled, "how?" Julia groaned turning to face him, she snapped her head slightly back and raised her eyebrows showcasing her feisty attitude.

"With my credit card." He softly said.

"Boy!" She laughed waving him off.

She followed him up the stairs as he lifted her bags up and carefully carried them up. Once they reached the top floor he pointed at the last two doors down the hallway on their left.

"Behind those doors." He stated before he headed off to the guest room his mother would he sleeping in.

Julia walked into Toni and Kenny's bedroom and her eyes immediately widened at the mirrors that surrounded the wall opposite her.

"Just a bunch of freaks." She mumbled shaking her head walking up to the bed where Toni laid curled up with all the pillows surrounding her.

Julia sat down on the edge and ran her hand over Toni's face, she moved the hair that covered her face out the way causing Toni to begin to stir. Toni's eyes slowly fluttered open, Julia turned on the lamp and once Toni realized who it was she immediately smiled wiping out her eyes.

"Hi ms Julia." She greeted sitting up.

"Hey baby." Julia smiled back looking around their bedroom, "y'all are so damn nasty. Look at all these mirrors, I swear on my life y'all do not need all these mirrors." Julia scolded.

"This room is so disturbing. Lord! I should bring my bible in here and pray, y'all do not need to see each other in every single different angle." Julia spoke.

Toni's mouth fell abrupt, she placed her hand over her mouth in embarrassment.

"I'm gonna head downstairs okay. I cannot be in this sex infested room any longer." Julia sighed getting up.

She walked out causing Toni to smack her lips together and quickly slip out of their bed. She slipped her feet into her slippers and walked out their bedroom bumping into Kenny in the hallway.

"We need to get rid of all those mirrors in our bedroom." Toni said, "why? It's never been a bother. I thought you liked it." He smirked smacking her behind as they walked down the stairs.

"Ken. I'm serious, those mirrors are too much." Toni said leaving out a few details as to why she actually wanted it to be removed.

"Fine." He groaned throwing it hands up in surrender.

They walked into the kitchen meeting Julia there as well. She was busy cutting an apple for her to snack on.

"There is nothing in these fridges. You're a goddamn chef but aint nothing good in here." Julia shook her head in disappointment.

"We haven't had the time to go buy groceries." Toni said before she chewed on her bottom lip. "You want some water?" Kenny asked Toni.

"Yes please." Toni nodded.

Julia faced the two, scanning Toni carefully. Kenny walked up to Toni handing her the glass of water as she began to take a couple sips.

"Congratulations!" Julia loudly said with a big grin on her face. "What for?" Kenny chuckled completely in the dark.

"You're pregnant." Julia said causing Toni to almost choke on her water.

Kenny frowned patting Toni's back.

"No ma, Toni's not-"

"Of course she is. I can see it all in her face, she's glowing." Julia stated.

Toni and Kenny looked on from Julia to each other, their eyes grew wide as Toni swallowed her saliva. She faced Julia again shaking her head.

"That's impossible." Toni and Kenny said in unison.

"We stopped trying 2 months ago." Toni said as Kenny nodded in agreement. "By that do you two mean that y'all have been abstinent for 2 months?" Julia furrowed her eyes.

"We- we- we never said that." They both mumbled scratching their heads as they began to look around in search of nothing in particular.

"Mmm... I'm gonna be a grand mommy again." Julia squealed walking up to the two pulling them both into a warm hug.

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