Chapter 10: Four Letter Word

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"Doctor Cooper should be right in." The nurse spoke, Toni and Kenny nodded as she left.

The room was extremely quiet. Kenny looked over at Toni who began to fiddle with her hands as she looked around the room nervously. Kenny took her hand into his and intertwined their fingers causing her to look over at him.

"Calm down." Kenny said.

She nodded as the door opened. Both of them turned to face the door.

"Hello." Doctor Cooper spoke as she walked in.

"Hello." Kenny and Toni said in unison.

"So, you're here because you believe that you're pregnant, correct?" Doctor Cooper asked as Kenny nodded.

"To be honest... I don't know, I took a pregnancy test a few days ago and it came back negative but ever since than I've been nauseous and dizzy. Like all the pregnancy symptoms are there but the test- it was negative..." Toni trailed off shaking her head.

"Okay than mrs Edmonds. I understand that this isn't your first rodeo, and all I want to say is that sometimes home tests are not as accurate as the blood tests that we do." Doctor Cooper said.

Toni nodded.

"So you know how this goes, I'm going to need some information and then we'll get the blood work done to see if there's a bun in the oven." Doctor Cooper smiled.

"So after running some tests. We see that you are indeed pregnant, congratulations." Doctor Cooper said.

Her words brought a smile to both Toni and Kenny's faces.

"Wow." Toni laughed, rubbing her belly as Kenny pulled her up from the chair and into a tight hug.

"Oh my god!" She laughed wrapping her arms around his neck.

"I love you so much." Kenny said to her, kissing her cheek over and over. "I love you too- babe." Toni giggled as the doctor looked at them with a smile on her face.

"I am going to quickly head out and get you guys some paperwork and then start you off with the pills you will need to take." Doctor Cooper smiled before she left the room.

"Ken. We're gonna be someone's parents." Toni said before a few tears left her eyes.

"I hope those are happy tears." Kenny stated and she nodded, "they are." She whispered as he began to wipe away her tears and placed a kiss to her forehead.

"I can't believe it." She shook her head in disbelief.

Kenny and Toni arrived back home, the two approached the front door. Toni grabbed his arm causing him to face her.

"Not a word about this until after dinner." She scolded.

He nodded before they walked in. They walked up to the kitchen and there was Kenny's mother, Julia making dinner. Julia looked up at the two with a small smile.

"How did it go?"

"We're having a baby!" Toni immediately shouted causing Kenny to burst out in laughter.

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