Chapter 15: Versace On The Floor

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I love that dress but you won't need it anymore...

2 months later

"Are you guys ready?" Jada shouted as everyone around them cheered.

She handed them the white knife, and stepped aside. They were all excited to finally learn the gender of the baby. Kenny and Toni both grabbed the knife and held it against the purple colored cake in front of them. She was officially 5 months along and they were both more than ready to have this baby.

"I just want you to know, that no matter what gender we have. He or she will be loved and if it's a boy, I still want my Lamborghini." Kenny grinned happily.

"Yeah keep talking big daddy, but this is a girl and I want my Tesla." Toni smiled patting his chest.

Kenny laughed lightly at her confidence, a week ago the two of them made a bet. Whichever one was right about the gender would get to have a car of their choice.

"3. 2. 1!" Everyone counted down before Kenny and Toni had the knife down in between the cake.

They cut a huge slice of cake out and as soon as Kenny saw the color he immediately let go of the knife and backed away, Toni's eyes widened as tears began to leave her eyes. She looked back at Kenny and realized he had began to cry himself.

"Oh baby." Toni cooed pulling him into a hug.

"It's a boy!" Jada yelled causing everyone to cheer with excitement.

"I knew it! I didn't pick this blue pin for nothing." Julia grinned walking up to the two of them.

"I owe you that Lambo." Toni chuckled as he cupped her face and looked into her eyes, "I know." He nodded before he kissed her lips.

"I love you." She said against his lips, "and I love you." He smiled.

Toni wiped away his tears before wiping away her own.

"Baby Theo is on his way." Toni announced, pointing down at her belly. "Theo?" Kenny raised his brow."

"Yes Theo." Toni smiled at him, "it's a unisex name. Perfect for our baby boy." Toni said.

He pulled her into him and lifted her up bridal style placing a whole bunch of kisses onto her lips.

"Ken." She giggled gently pushing him away as their close family and friends laughed and cheered. "Can we eat now?" Jada questioned.

"Yes. Let us dig in." Kenny announced.

The party was a success. Aside from Toni getting a few cramps here and there. Everything else went pretty well.

"Are you feeling better? Comfortable?" Kenny questioned as she took a seat down on the sofa as soon as they entered their home.

"Yeah." She nodded.

"I'd just like a glass of cranberry juice please." She said kicking off her heels.


Toni looked around their living room as her eyes landed on the empty wall once again, she smiled rubbing over her belly. She couldn't wait until the baby was born so that they could take a family portrait and hang it over there.

"Mommy and daddy are more than ready for you Theo." Toni said looking down at her belly.

Kenny came walking into the kitchen and smiled at how she was rubbing over her belly.

"Have I ever told you that you look so much more attractive while carrying my child." He teased handing her the glass.

"Many times." She giggled before taking a sip from her juice. "How about this time I show you how much I do..." He smirked holding his hand out to her.

She finished her juice and set it down on the table before her eyes went up in question.

"What are you showing me?" She asked in confusion, "just come on." He groaned impatiently.

She chuckled before she obliged.

He held her up and led her towards the staircase.

"What is happening?" She asked.

"All I can say is this doesn't require any clothes. So you mrs Edmonds, better get rid of that Versace dress." He said causing her to laugh.

He helped her up the stairs and into their bedroom, she smiled looking around.

"You didn't have to do all this Ken." She said taking in everything he had done to their bedroom. There were rose petals scattered all over their floor in a trail that led from the door towards their bed.

"Carrying a baby isn't an easy job and I know that because you and my mom have reminded me everyday for the past 5 months." He swallowed his saliva as she laughed.

"And I just wanna let you know that you are still so beautiful and attractive to me and that won't ever change." He assured her, he grabbed her hands and brought her closer to him and placed his forehead against hers.

"For better or worse." He began.

"Through the good and the very bad." She continued.

"I will still be by your side. No matter what we go through." He kissed her forehead. "Now lets get rid of this dress." He said spinning her around.

She giggled as he tossed her hair over her shoulder and began to zip down the dress.

first and foremost you all have short term memory, because i had already revealed the baby's gender in the prologue. secondly, there is a chapter to my book Deception.

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